Chapter 1: When everything seems okay

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I stopped counting the days of when this all started. Personally, I stopped after the first month. I guess I was just too lazy, or tired to carry on. My name is Olivia. Everyone approaches me and starts calling me Liv, though. So I guess that's my name. Anyways, I started keeping a diary but lost it, sadly. But, it's fine. It's alright with me. I was alright with it. As long as I was with my sister, which I'm not with anymore, meaning I'm in fact not okay!

But, all that aside. Let me now tell my story. My dumb apocalypse story with all the blood and murder and disgusting things. I feel like I should've started with that in the first place, but whatever. Why would I care? Some dumb monologue in my head won't be published or anything.

Anyways, I'm apart of this group called..well we don't have a name. I'll just call us..The Originals. So, me and the Originals took a while to really grow fond of each other. When they took me in, I was a brat towards them, but really I should've been a bit more mature, seeing as I'm in my thirties, but no matter. It doesn't matter to me because I changed. I'm a good person now. I might not have the best morals, but I'm a good person.

How this hell started? How we got separated? How this all ended up happening? Why this happened? Well, you see, It all started at the camp, like any usual day.

"No sign of someone on the other side of the radio." Delilah sighed, turning to my sister. My sister sighed and looked over at me. "See anyone on your last supply run?" That made me roll my eyes. The last supply run was 2 weeks ago, and to be honest, we needed to get some supplies quick. Then, Jack came out and looked around. "Hey, we need supplies." I nodded. "Was just thinking that, actually. I'll go out and get some." I grabbed my gun and bat, suddenly hearing another voice, one I recognized as Jules. "Hey, I'll come too." Jules walked over. I looked up at her as I got up. "You sure, Jules? You're only 15." I got a sudden shush from her, and she smiled. "Mhm! Let's get going, okay?" I just lightly nodded and we got our supplies.

We walked to the city, trying to look around for some food, water, liquid, medical supplies, ANYTHING! We began getting annoyed when everything looked ransacked or just gone, but then I spotted a store. One that looked seemingly okay. We turned the corner, and there was that damn horde, walking around making their disgusting noises. I motioned to Jules, telling her not to go near that store. She sighed, suddenly bringing out her gun. I cursed under my breath. What was she doing? I tried motioning for her to stop, but that's when I heard it. I heard her, fire that damn gun, startling the horde. My jaw dropped as she noticed the both of us. I turned to look at her.

"Run." I yelled. We began rushing down the street, when suddenly something caught my foot. A large crack in the pavement road. Jules didn't notice and turned a corner, running out of sight. I looked behind me, noticing the horde, cursing under my breath and beginning to pull myself up. I limped, trying to get myself completely up and looking back at the horde, grabbing my bat and trying to limp away, biting my lip as I felt the pain coursing through my leg.

The pain was unbearable. It was utterly unbearable and it was painful as hell. I limped to the turn that Jules went, but didn't notice her. "FUCK FUCK!" I yelled in anger, knowing the terrible idea that was. Suddenly, I saw someone running towards me. It was a boy with black hair.

"Hey, are you hurt? You're limping!" The boy asked. "Were you bit?" I gave a small shake of the head, looking up at him. He wore a baseball cap on his head, and saw the horde. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, stabilizing me and helping me rush away from the upcoming horde. He helped me up a few flight of stairs connecting to a building, up to a rooftop. When we got to safety, I breathed in a fresh of air, a sigh of relief coming from me as I smiled. "Thanks for helping me. I'm Olivia, but everyone calls me Liv." I shrugged.

He nodded, "Glenn." He responded. "You're hurt. When the horde calms down, I'll take you back to camp, where we'll patch you up, okay?" I thought for a moment, nodding in reply. "Alright. Sure." For now, we just had to wait it out, and wait is what we did.

After waiting for what felt like hours, we heard the sounds of the horde calm down, and saw no walkers in sight. We headed down the flight of stairs and began walking together to a direction that I didn't really know. I never had gone down that direction, always the other way. But, I wasn't the best tracker, and never could really find my way back without the help of the person I was with, so I was basically screwed. I might of as well joined the new group, which I, actually did. Sorry for spoiling it for you.

Anyways, we made our way through a long journey to the camp. A little way there, we found a car that Glenn hijacked into. We hopped in, and drove the rest of the way to the camp. We talked a bit, but were mostly quiet for it. I was a bit worried about my friends back at the Original Camp, but hoped I could fit in with the others. We neared closer to camp, and eventually came to. Glenn stopped the beeping car, getting scolded by others in the camp for bringing it all the way there. None of them seemed to notice my presence, which I was okay with. I didn't mind all that much, being ignored.

I heard the beeping stop, and my ears were blessed. I sighed, looking over and spotting someone looking at me. A young boy. "Who're you?" He asked, one of his eyebrows raised.

"I'm..I'm Liv."

Daryl Dixon ➸ The End is NearWhere stories live. Discover now