Death on the Seas

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Decided I'll try out this method for a couple chapters, if it goes while I will be sticking to this way of storytelling for this story.

"Alright, here you go Blake." Crimson said as he hands the cat faunus a sheet of paper. "You now have the Red Chimera and her crew sheets."

Blake quickly gives it a skim before looking up at him. "So what are we going to do with the Kingdom?"

"Because of your background, you know that the Kingdom will have to honor the code as long as you give them information about the attack. All you have to do is wave the white flag and return back, which I would say you all take a short rest." Crimson said, before narrowing his eyes. "Blake, Weiss roll for initiative." The two look at each other and roll, as the dice hits the table the scene changes to a back view shot of the Red Chimera sailing back to Patches port district.

Shadow is inside the captain's quarters reading some papers that the former captain gave her to read though. Turns out the attack was planned to keep the guards from the docking district from aiding the West wall. While the attack on the wall was meant to be a distraction for a plan that was kept secret from the rest, the only clue she got was that no one was to use the sewers to escape.

As the new Captain was busy reading about the new clues to the origins of the attack, Zanro and Zane were outside watching the ocean. As they were looking, Zane saw some dolphins that were jumping out of the water while Zanro noticed something beneath the waves, just deep enough couldn't tell what it was but close enough to know it was following the ship. She was about to ask a crew member when she noticed something large flying towards them.

ROAR!!! Everyone on deck turned to the source before the Goblin on the crow's nest shouted at the top of his lungs. "Manticore!" Just as he shouted, monstrosity made it to the ship roaring again as three stirges fell off it as two more stayed on it..

Zane cursed herself, readying herself for any of the new creatures to come at her. As she was readying herself she noticed a symbol on the Manticore's skull, which looked like an eye. One of the striges flies towards Zane, making a smirk. Zane swings her longsword at the flying beast, cutting it like paper.

Shadow exits the captain's quarters as she orders the crew to go below deck. Pulling out some darts, she throws them straight at the Manticore. The dart pierced into its flesh, causing its sight to focus on Shadow. One of the striges notice that Shadow was alone and flies towards her, piercing her chest.

Zanro looks at the battle before ordering Scarlet to help Shadow as she focuses on the last strige still flying. Scarlet jumps up and bites the strige off of Shadow, the pseudodragon starts to chump down on the bug-like creature. Zanro fires her crossbow but as she pulls the trigger it jammed causing her to curse.

"Ruby, language!" Yang shouted.

"Don't give me that, you were cursing up a storm when you kept getting ones in the last fight." Ruby shouted back.

Everyone else on the table looked at the GM who simply rolled his dice before he said. "Ruby, you were hit by a Nat 20." This caught the sisters' attention looking at the GM in shock. "Take 13 points of damage." The strige that Zanro originally aimed for noticed her and came to her piercing her in the middle back, inches from her heart.

ROAR!!! The Manticore lands in front of Shadow before swiping her with its massive claws. Shadow stepped back in time for the swipe but her eyes wide as she saw the other claws coming at her. This time she wasn't so lucky as she was launched off the ship. ROAR!!!

Zane watched this and releasing a loud wail, Zane charged at the large monster. She missed her strike by an inch, though it now has the attention of her target. The striges that were still on the Manticore pull themselves off, their abdomen filled with blood. Before she hits the water, Shadow had a second vision of the day.

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