🍄☁️ { NOTES ] ☀️🍄

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(this is not a reader/y/n insert story.)


let's say, you have been walking around the UN's office when you see a binder with some notes sticker on top. apparently it turned out to be a collection of letters throughout the years throughout. intrigued, you decided to take a look in it.

as you open the binder, there were two pages of notes dedicated to those reading the entire collection;


To whom it may concern,

You may have stumbled across somewhat reasonable old project I had made in the past together to what we now call ASEAN. I, the United Nations, anonymously sent the other a letter through the dove system, which uses a dove to give the letter as fast it could. However, i couldn't find a replacement for the dove at the 1982's, so we decided to cut off the system by then.

This collection of letters are written from 1977 towards 1982, written with some information you may or may not personally heard from us. This project is somewhat private and personal for us, so please be understanding with our privacy and your curiosity.

Some letters are missing as these were so long ago. A total of about a thousand and a quarter letters were sent through the system, for five years, and some irrelevant letters. With that, not everything will be on here, please be mindful. There will be a note on the beginning on red (bold) on how many letters were missing over the few rounds of back and forths, as well as some notes from either me or ASEAN himself. Some of these are real copies whilst others are photocopied due to us deciding to keep the real copies to ourselves.

We had worked quite a bit of time to find these letters once more and it's a struggle due to how messy our organizational skills are (ironically) to bring this collected and hear the full story. This may get repetitive at some point, so please beware.

That's all, i hope you may find this project interesting!

Yours truly,
United Nations


Hello! :DD

I really don't know what else to put here really, Uni already stated the most important ones in the letter the previous page to this :').

But I just want you to be mindful that there are certain topics in this collection that may be unsettling of some sort... Let's say, depictions of death and stuff. It's hard to say without spoiling really, so I'd rather you to be warned.

Uni tends to forget those, so all warnings will be placed under my notes instead of Uni's. At least I have responsibility for this project now! I think. I like to think that.

This project was incredibly fun to work with honestly. I wasn't that open before prior to this, and as a result made me meet one of my closest colleagues and friends until this day. It's been years since this ended, but there are still days we give letters to each other for nostalgic factor. I hope these calms your senses while reading, because I did, and i cried a bunch of times reading this. I am not joking.

That's all really, aside from apologizing that most of the letters missing was mostly my fault. Seriously sorry for that, but I hope this collection can make you satisfied or something.

Although it didn't turn out as it intended, the best thing that came out with this project were our written memories. ;)

- a(sea)n <3

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