A Damn Long Prologue

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Cultivation world.

Seriously, I really don't even know how to describe this thing.

Why don't we start with the definition?

1. the action of cultivating land, or the state of being cultivated.

1. the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features.

Now, how does that transform into "Main character slaps every single NPCs across the universe and rapes the "Jade beauties" to either save them or heal himself." I don't f*cking know, why'd you look at me like that?

Of course, that won't be the case if the main character was different. Specifically: if that main character was me.

"It's over, Demon patriarch! Surrender your cultivation, and the demonic sect!"


"Noisy..." the blade that I hold sliced through the insect that spouted those words. He was a member of the Orthodox sect.

It has been ten years since I got transmigrated here as the young master of a Demonic sect, as my name suggests, I am a villain. And I'm pretty sure you know the rest.

Hundreds of clans and sects aim for my head only after those ten years.

One of them that stood out the most... was my own sect.

"Your tyranny will stop here, Feng Shihong"

Feng Shihong, it's been ten years and I am still not used to that new name. Those words that cut deeper than a sword was voiced by my own comrade in arms, I'd like to call him my Demon General.

I was betrayed, I saw all of my core students following the demon general whom I trusted. Behind them was every other sect and family all together, aiming for both my life and fame.

"I've always thought I knew how powerful you are, but looks like you've proved me wrong... You're a monster" Such came out from the mouth of a traitor.

"So was that the reason you betrayed me, General?" I asked him.

"Of course not... it's all because of you---!! That's right, IT'S ALL BECAUSE YOU TRIED TO TEACH YOUR CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE TO THE BRANCH MEMBERS!"

My cultivation technique? seriously, that's the reason?


I let his words sink in before I turned to my left. The whole crowd surrounded me with bloodlust in their eyes.

But one man stood out of the rest, "Is that also what you think, Great Monk?"

Shaved head, Kasaya robes, and beads necklace on his hand, The Great Monk who worships the Buddha was also one of the insects who came to behead me.

"The world is filled with much more evil than what you could've possibly imagined. If your technique becomes public, those with evil would surely raise in power. I couldn't let chaos like that happen." While stroking his long white beard, the monk spoke of such things.

"That's the reason?"

Haa... What am I even looking at?

"What a petty reason"

I could see it from the start that none of the sect leaders are here to serve justice in the first place. Their eyes filled with greed and lust only aims for one thing, my cultivation.

My corpse can easily be used as a foundation for their cultivation. Once they got me, and maybe anything from my sect, they will rise in power.

"In the end, you're all just making excuses, just so you can keep the tiny amount of power you possess." When I deliver that line, my blood lust reached its peak.


When I stepped forward, they directly possed their stance. Their wariness went to the max as if a predator has now come to hunt them.

"Let me tell you a bit about the definition of 'Hypocrite',  they are those who claim to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behave in a way that disagrees with those beliefs. In simpler words, they only care about what they believe is right. So it's a pity for all of you actually..."

My blade pumped out all the chi and bloodlust I have, all to be certain that anyone who touches it died.

"Since I am not a hypocrite, I am a psychopath"

That day, countless sects, clans, cults, and families were purged. All done by a single man who wields a single blade.

Flying swords are no longer flying anymore, Beast Mounts are now a bunch of corpses next to their cultivator partners, and the once beautiful terrain has now become craters dyed with blood. Spears and swords were pierced through my body, they were the remnants of the sect masters.

"You!!! You evil demon!!"

"You're the DEMON General, General... Though, I do find it amusing to see your expression right now..." Despite those many stabbings, the edges of my lips seem to have twitched upwards.

"Stop! Don't commit any more sins!" I know that voice.

It was the voice of the heroine. Right, The Heavenly Fire tears sect's core disciple. This Jade beauty here was the heroine of my trusted comrade, Demon General.

Heh... "Heheheheheh... huhahahaha, KHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I just got a great idea.

"Alright then, that's right... that is interesting" I mumbled to myself as the general looks at me in baffled.

"Then how about this, I will spare you all."

The crowds went noisy.

"Of course, there is a catch..."  Just an hour ago, she had the most arrogant look on her face but now, the heroine looks at me with horror in her eyes.

"I am not handing her over to you!" The general exclaimed.

"Naive little general... I never care about your little girlfriend over there." His eyes widened.

For the first time in his life, he had never seen someone possess such an amount of true chi.

The True Chi inside of me rages like wildfire as I prepared myself to execute my technique.

"I'll be taking every single technique from this world!!"


A long, straight beam of energy, it manifested by my own True energy. But, it wasn't an accession. I am not breaking through the next realm. But rather, sacrificing all my cultivation to change heaven's law.

Principles of heaven have now become meaningless, dantian/meridians will no longer work as power veins and the concept of Yin and Yang energy will no longer be allowed to be controlled.

Every single cultivator will become a simple human, and the world will no longer allow any other organisms to absorb energies from nature.

As such, the era of cultivators is now over.

Wait, did I take everyone's cultivation as well as myself just to prove a point?

Huh, I guess I did.


Prologue end.

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