Im Sorry

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Narrator POV

Robin and Finn look at each other. Finn's face looks like he just got caught sneaking cookies out the cookie jar

Robin looks like he was about to tell on a kid. Or do that really annoying thing where they pretend to tell on you only to ask to go to the bathroom.

"Listen...I know it looks weird but..." Finn said waving his hands around like a lunatic

"Yeah, you and kid that low key has liked you for a while kissing? No I think I understand what's going on." Robin said crossing his arms with a smile

"How did you know he liked me?" Finn said pointing to himself

"Your was so obvious Finn. You meet this kid and he will never stop talking about you, he hung out with you almost every day in summer and he had been dying to talk to you since." Robin said sitting on the couch while seeing Finn connecting the pieces together

Finn's face went red when he finally realized it. "Oh my god." Was all Finn could say

Robin started to laugh as he saw Finn's face distort into a flustered reaction

"How long have you known about this?" Finn said sitting next to robin

"Ever since I met him. He was already so comfortable near you and I could just tell he liked you. I mean he didn't seem to know it. But I knew deep down he liked you." Robin said leaning back to the sofa

"Whoa...what do I do now? Do you think I'm gross...?" Finn asked leaning like robin and turning to look at him. Finn's face filled with worry

" I don't think your gross. I'm surprised yeah but no I don't care if you like guys. My dad told me to never judge someone and hate them for something they can't control. It might have been for something else but no...I will never hate you Finn." Robin said smiling at Finn

After a bit of silence Robin realized that Finn was asleep. So he grabbed a blanket and placed it over the both of them. The both fell asleep with a weight being took off their shoulder.

As for [NAME] he was straight to the hospital. He was later put into therapy. He had much emotional trauma as of physical abuse. His parents did all they could to make sure he felt comfortable.

There was even a article written about him. "Kid comes back from dead" of course he was never really dead and some kids thought he was the coolest. Others thought [name] was creepy

Of course he didn't care. But after some time he convinced he parents to move into grandmas old house. Since they could sell their old house and move into a smaller house just a good enough size for them. After they did that they kept the extra money to [name] college funds.

On the day they moved [name] had been in therapy for about 10 months and had been improving but still kept going since he found it was nice being able to talk to someone about issues.

As he's parents left the moving truck he was still looking at his grandmas house. Or is it ours now? I couldn't tell. As [name] walked through the house he could still remember what it looked like on the inside.

But it was his house now. "Hey mom?" [name] calling for his mom that was outside unloading boxes

"Yes honey?" He heard back

"Does the phone still work?"

"I believe so...why?"

"I wanna call some friends"

"Call them after you unpack"

"Yes ma'am"

[name] unpacked everything in his room, bathroom and most of the living room since most of the guys are coming over to bring furniture.

[name] got up from the floor where he had put away the final dvd away. He dusted his pants and walked to the phone. He then dialed robins phone.

When the phone answer the voice sounded tired


"Is this robin Arellano?"

"Yeah....what a minute..[name]?"

"Yeah and guess where I'm calling from."

"Uh...I don't know."

"Grandmas house."

"Your kidding! Your in Denver?"

"Yeah wanna hang out tomorrow."

" you want me to bring Finn?" Robin said stretching out the "n"

"...yes please."

It was then when [name] hung up the phone. He's face was almost as red as a tomato

He didn't know what to say after that. Does Finn really like me? Do I like him...of course I do.

[Name] POV

Should we get together? I mean I don't want to ruin our friends ship but at the same time I want to date him.

I want to hold his hand and play with his hands when I'm nervous. I was to cuddle him and hold him close to me. I was to play with his hair while watching a cheesy movie.

I wanted to wake up and see him laying next me. I wanted to hold him when he cries. But at the same time I don't want us to part and lose our friendship

Like last time. I ran, I ran because I was a coward. I hid my feelings.

But how do I say it? "Hey I know we just started talking again but hey im madly in love with you and I feel like we should get together."

Just thinking about it makes my head hurt

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