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"One year? Easy! Get ready to eat your words Death!" Luci said cockily.
Death chuckled dryly. "We'll just see about that, being a human is not as easy as it seems you know? There are a hell lot of surprises that come with it." She said before flashing out of the room.
Luci sighed deeply and sat on her bed. She looked around and sighed again. Dark red walls with black details, dark wood bedside tables and vanity table, as well as closet doors. Then she looked up to see her ceiling. Absolutely breathtaking and oh so out of contrast with the rest of the room, the ceiling was a painting of clouds and angels that put Raphael's creations to shame. It was there to remind her of what once was her home, the home that was never really meant to be hers, but she still missed it every once in a while. After all, doesn't everybody aim to be good just to go to heaven after they die? Well Luci had the fortune of being born there. Not so unfortunately for her, she was appointed since birth to accomplish a task outside of heaven. She was to guard the souls of those who didn't deserve heaven, until her time was up. She didn't have a problem with it either, she always knew heaven wasn't for her. It just didn't feel right, so when her training was completed, and it was her time to leave the only place she had ever known as home, she did just that, she left. So yes, in case you haven't figured it out yet, Luci is just short for Lucifer.
Lucia Fernanda Negro... The Devil.

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