Chapter 8

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On February 14th, Emily and her bridesmaids were waiting outside the chapel.

"You ready for this, Emily?" Beca asked.

"You better believe it. Still, I can't believe it took us so long to get this far," Emily said.

"Well, the important thing is, we're here now for your big day, and we're all happy for you," Chloe said, feeling festive.

"You ready for this?" Aubrey asked.

"Yep! Let's do this!" Emily exclaimed with confidence.

As the Wedding March started, the bridesmaids entered the chapel, while Emily and her mom entered shortly after. As they all walked down the aisle, Benji was waiting for her.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered this day in the sight of God and these witnesses for the marriage of Benji and Emily," The minister said, performing the ceremony. It was so sweet - the ceremony was lovely, and there were a few tears shed by the onlookers. "Do you, Benjamin Applebaum, take Emily Junk to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Benji answered.

"And do you, Emily Junk, take Benjamin Applebaum to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asked.

"I do," Emily answered.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you two husband and wife!" the minister declared before turning the couple around to face the friends and family, introducing Mr. and Mrs. Benji Applebaum. "You may kiss the bride!"

The newly married couple shared a kiss as everyone else in the chapel cheered for them.

Later during the reception, Emily and Benji were greeting their guests.

"Hey, how's it feel to finally tie the knot?" Chloe asked.

"Needless to say, we're very happy right now. At first, it seemed like the wedding day would never get here! But it was all worth it in the end," Emily said.

"And I have to admit, meeting her during my senior year was one of the best days of my life. Marrying her was the only thing that could top that," Benji said.

"So, where's the honeymoon?" Amy asked.

"We're going to Rome," Benji said.

"Visiting the Coliseum has been on my bucket list for years, and this will be my chance to do so," Emily added.

Across the room, "Hey, I hope there are no hard feelings between us," Jesse ventured to Beca.

"No, it's fine. We broke up years ago - any disagreements we had back then are water under the bridge," Beca said.

"Good. I don't want things to seem awkward," Jesse said.

"Really, Jesse, it's no problem at all," Beca said.

"Okay, if you're sure about this, I'm hoping we can still be good friends," Jesse said.

"Of course," Beca agreed.

At that moment, Chloe picked up the microphone to get everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Chloe Beale. And I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.

Emily, looking back from your first day as a Bella to where you are today, I couldn't be prouder of how far you've come. When you first came into our lives, you dreamed of following in your mom's footsteps and being a Bella. Despite the Bellas being hit with a national scandal during your freshman year, it didn't change the fact that legacies do, in fact, live on, and we couldn't be more proud of how far you and Benji have come all these years," she said as the guests cheered.

"And now on that note, are you two up for a duet?" she asked.

"Well...Benji, what do you say?" Emily asked.

"Let's do it," he agreed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my husband and I want to thank you all for coming. While the DJ was doing a wonderful job with entertainment, Benji and I have a song to share with you. This song is a personal favorite of ours," Emily said.

"Bellas, will you be so kind as to back us up?" Benji asked as the Bellas agreed to do so. They began their rendition of "Can I Have This Dance" from High School Musical 3.

As the song ended, they received cheers and applause from all the guests.

"Alright, everyone, this would normally be when Benji and I would cut the cake before the rest of you hit the dance floor. However, we have instead opted to serve cupcakes. So, it's time to serve them up," Emily said.

She and Benji called people up table by table to grab a cupcake before the guests returned to their tables to enjoy them. About a half-hour after the cupcakes were served, all the guests headed for the dance floor.


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