Chapter three

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The room was silent as it dawned on everyone that Steve and Bucky were not abandoned like they thought. Bucky didn't know how to deal with the pitying looks everyone was giving him and his friend, not knowing what to do he got up and left the room. Steve quickly muttered apologies while running after his brother.

"Sergeant Barnes is in his room Captain Rogers" JARVIS informed him, "thank you". Steve walked to Bucky's room before opening the door, his heart broke to see him silently crying. He sat on the bed next to him not knowing what to say, "at least they didn't give us away" he tried to break the silence. It was silent for another 10 minutes until it was broken "I can't keep thinking about what our lives could've been I mean our parents adored us, we were happy and surrounded by people who loved us and wanted to be with us. Would I have to fight in a war, would I have become the winter soldier." The more he spoke the more sadness he felt. "What do we do now?" he finished, Steve not knowing what else to do hugged him tightly.

New York 1917

A bright light appeared in an alley in Brooklyn before disappearing as quickly as it came but left two babies. Although they were only 4 months old Lance and Nikolas were cold and wanted their parents, their cries were heard by two women who were walking back home.

"Oh my, look Winnie someone left these babies," the blonde woman said to her friend.

"is that?" Sam asked looking at his friend, "yeah that's our mums, adopted mums I guess." Steve confirmed looking at the screen it had been years since he'd seen her face. Bucky wasn't happy about being forced from his room, he and Steve had different thoughts about this whole situation. Bucky wanted to know and meet his birth parents, as he didn't have the best relationship with his adoptive ones but even if he did, he would still want to meet with them for one reason they didn't have a choice. His mum didn't give him up, it's not her fault she didn't get to be in their lives it was the witches Morganas. Steve, however, was content just to know what they were like but he loved his ma, and he didn't want to replace her by meeting Merlin and Arthur.

"poor things" she cooed in sympathy as she picked up the blonde one, "why don't we take them?" she proposed as she turned to Winnie. "Sarah, babies are a huge responsibility are you ready for that let alone for a baby that is yours?" she asked in shock. Sarah stared at the blonde's blue eyes he was a cute little thing, "haven't you and George been trying for a baby?" she asked looking back at the brown-haired baby who was still on the ground crying for his mother. "yeah, we have, the doctors are getting concerned about my ability to conceive, so it might be a good idea" she considered reluctantly before picking up the other baby.

Sam, Natasha and Tony exchanged looks Bucky's mum didn't seem too thrilled to adopt him. Loki looked felt empathetic for the sergeant he knew what it was like to feel unloved by an adopted family.

"No young woman no matter how great can know her destiny". A younger-looking Merlin than the one they saw was walking down a hill. "She cannot glimpse her part in the great story that is about to unfold, like everyone she must live and learn". She continued trekking in the forest, "and so it will be for the young warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot. A girl that will in time father a legend. Her name was Merlin." A big beautiful castle was seen in the distance as she walked closer to her destination.

Tony opened his mouth prepared to say something about how young Merlin was also hot but was cut off by Bucky "Don't say it". "What?" Tony gasp dramatically holding a hand to his chest, "I wasn't going to say anything" he continued. Bucky just looked at the Stark a deadpan look on his face making Tony fidget.

Merlin walked towards the square filled with people staring up at the king on the balcony. Drums banged into a sinister beat as a man was dragged by two guards towards the chopping block. "Let this serve as a lesson to all. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic." The king's voice boomed, Merlin looked up scared this could be her if she wasn't careful.

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