Chapter One: Well... How did I get here?

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Disclaimer: Supernatural does not belong to me. No matter how much I wish it did...

I sat in my astronomy class thinking, 'When am I ever going to use this?'
I was extremely bored, and I itched to go home and watch Supernatural, one of my favorite television shows. It was a wonderful escape from my troubles and boredom.
Granted, most of the time it scared the crap out of me, but the relationship between Sam and Dean is something that I completely understand. It's always good to know that at the end of the day, there is always going to be some one that loves you unconditionally. Just as a family should. The brothers bond is something that every sibling should strive towards and fight for.
Suddenly the bell rang and broke through my thoughts. Leaping to my feet, I gathered my backpack and ran out the door.
I slowed down when I got into the bustling hallways. Avoiding the possibility of running some poor soul over in my rush to escape the suffocating confines of my college. With a sigh of relief I walked out of the front doors, and quickened my pace in an attempt to shorten my walk to my apartment.
Upon my arrival I made my way to my bedroom, and plugged in my phone. I sat in my desk chair and pulled up Netflix on my phone, and rewatched the episode where Sam first exorcised a demon. The Phantom Traveler. Deciding to have a full on marathon I watched Bloody Mary next, after which I watched Skin. I had to stop right there though because my throat was getting unbearably dry. Unplugging my phone, I placed it and my charger in my coat pocket, then filled a glass with water from my kitchen tap.
Cup in hand, I went back to my room. Taking a long gulp of water as I opened my door, I strolled in taking no notice of my surroundings. Idiotic of me, I know. The door shut behind me and I swallowed. When I opened my eyes I found that I wasn't in fact in my room.

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