the skinwalker

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"jesse" walter said while walking into the rv "where did you put the meth." "up yo mom's ass haha gottem" replied jesse. "shut the actual fuck up jesse" walt said. then jesse had a realization. because walter didnt immediately kiss jesse on the lips, that meant he was a skinwalker. jesse pulled out his gun and shot the skinwalker 445953173574389 times. walter then walked into the rv and kissed jesse on the lips. "yo missed a wide, i just killed a skinwalker bitch" "ok jesse lets cook no-" walt was interrupted by the sound of bones. he turned around to see a skeleton had come out of the skinwalkers body. "hello. i am heisenbones." said the skeleton. "holy shit mist and wipe its heisenbones." "damn it jesse you've really made a boner this time jesse."

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