los pollos hermanos

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after all of the methe has been sold, the one who flocks realized that if they wanted to keep making money, they needed more connections. after a long day of searching for more meth men, withered bites decided to go get a 8 piece  bucket at hit fast food chain lock pallid herbal. while eating, he was approached by a big black man, abs chiseling, bbc slightly angled to the right. "hello watcher heights, may i have hot gay sex with you" said the man, goose feint. walker immediately pulled gump into the side room, and after 4 hours of long, gay sex waster ight finished, cumming meth all over the room and into guests freight's nose. "this meth be hitting fr fr 🔥🔥🔥" said gap. "would you mind if i sold this" "not at all" replied halter.

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