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TWS/CWS: language, gore


I woke up on the couch with my head propped up on a pillow to the sound of beeping downstairs. SHIT! I was gonna watch a movie, so I made popcorn (duh) and I must've passed out. Mum's been out for the past week on a business trip, and dad? Well.. let's just say he's out of the picture, so I'm home alone for a while longer.

I got up from the couch quickly and rushed over to the microwave to take out the bag of popcorn that was now cold. I shrugged my shoulders and began to search the pantry for popcorn seasoning but then — "ring.. ring.." the landline phone began to ring. That's strange.. no one ever calls the landline, they always call our phones.

I stopped my search in the pantry and ran over to the phone. I picked it up and put it up to my ear. "Hello?" I said. Hm.. maybe it was my mother. "Hello." An unfamiliar deep gravely voice replied. Yeah no, this definitely was not my mother. "Heya there, I'm so sorry for the late answer— also do I know you?" I quickly asked as I sat the landline phone down and began to look through the pantry again. "No worries— apologies by the way, I think I must have the wrong number." The voice apologized. "Don't worry!! I should be get going now. See ya, stranger!" I reassured, attempting to get back to my original plans. "Hey, WAIT DONT HANG UP!-" the wrong number tried to speak, but couldn't because I hung up.

"Aha!" I exclaimed, finally finding what I was looking for. I sprinkled the seasoning into the popcorn bag and started to shake it up. Just as I was ready to go find a movie.. "ring.. ring.." the landline was ringing again. I went back over to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" I sighed. "You hung up." The stranger said sternly. "Yeah no okay bye I've got plans." I explained and hung up the phone again, putting it back into its place.

I was finally relieved, maybe that creep would stop calling. "Ring.. Ring.." god fucking damn it. I sped walked back to the landline for the third time in the past twenty minutes. I roughly picked up the phone and put it up to my ear. "Hey man, the fuck's your problem?!" I exclaimed, pacing around the room. "Watch your tone with me, you little bitch and let me fucking speak." The gravely dude with a stern tone began, quickly inhaling attempting to calm himself down before continuing,

"Do you like scary movies?" He asked. This. You stood there for a moment.. where did this seem familiar from? Oh fuck. The Stab movies. That's where this seemed familiar from. "Yep, I think they're decent." I giggled. "Agreed. Do you have a favourite scary movie?" He asked. I went blank for a moment. He was gonna quiz me about this, wasn't he? I need to make a good choice, even if it's not my favourite "I.. I'm not sure. Can I have a moment to think about it?" You asked. "Sure, why not." The stranger on the other end dismissed you for a little bit.

Shit. You knew you were gonna fucking die tonight either way. What's a movie you knew a ton about..? Bingo!! The 2017 classic; IT! I ran back over to the landline and picked it up from the counter, bringing it back up to my ear. "Sorry for the wait— I'm back with my choice though!" I exhaled like I'd been holding my breath for years. "So then, what's your favourite?" The stranger asked again. "IT 2017,
the remade version of the very original. I personally find it better," I explained.

"Mm, nice choice, I'd agree any day, but I prefer Nightmare on Elm Street personally. Now, time to play a game~" the weird raspy sounding voice said. "I'm really sorry, I should be getting to watching my movie now.." I stuttered a bit. "I think you can stay for a while longer, don't you agree?" He said. I sighed and began to shake a bit. "I can tell you know what's going to happen next, you seem tense from what I can see," he said. "W-what..?" I mumbled. "Now, warm up question: what is considerably the name of the clown?" The stranger asked. "Shit it's been a while.. it's uh,, Pennywise! Pennywise the Dancing Clown!!" I exclaimed in relief.

"See? You're doing amazing." He paused, "question one: what was the girl's full name?" "Her name was Beverly.. Beverly something, I'm not sure what her last name is anymore," I confessed, feeling cold, unwelcoming shivers down my spine. "You got that incorrect partially, so that's a full wrong answer. It's Beverly Marsh. You're lucky I'm letting you go until the bonus points round." The wrong number said coldly. I didn't want to do this, but I didn't have a choice.

If I didn't play this game, I would die, I die either way. "Last question before the bonus round: what is Stanley's biggest fear?" The voice asked the second to last question. Fuck. Fuck me. I had to take a moment to think about this one. "The painting lady in the church place!!" I exclaimed. "Cooorrect~! Last question for bonus points: what's the real reason Georgie died?" The stranger asked the final question. "I got it!! Because Billy was sick! I got you fucker!" I yelled confidently.

There was gonna be a plot twist.. wasn't there? The man went completely silent for a good moment now. "Tsk tsk tsk.. I'm afraid to say you're incorrect, my dear." The raspy voice said. "What?! No! That's.. how Georgie died!!" I panicked. "Nope, Bill faked being sick to not go out with his brother, resulting in the death." The stranger explained in a stern tone. Shit. Shit Shit SHIT.

The man on the other side hung up the phone. I got a notification from my cell phone and it read "back doors disarmed, intruder warning".
Shit. He was in my fucking house, wasn't he? I quickly ran and grabbed a butchers knife. It's not fair. I didn't want to be murdered. Did I really have any chance at survival..?

A black figure swiftly ran past my back glass door. Fuck. I've heard of this guy from Stab before, but I never actually watched it. I don't know his name, or anything about him, just his existence. For a moment, everything went silent. Pure silence. I thought he was gone. I thought I was safe. And for a moment, perhaps completely light. I was either high.. or dead. Or maybe it's just drug sensation, not sure.

Fuck. I heard footsteps. I'm fucking dead. There's no chance of survival, is there..? I'm gonna die here alone, sitting in a big pool of my own blood until somebody finds me. I don't want to die. That's all I could think about. Death. What would happen after it?

There he was. The one slasher who became popular and had about eight movies all around his murders. I tightly gripped onto my butchers knife, ready to attack if necessary. But.. he just stood there. For a good moment be just stood there, staring blankly with the wretched ghost mask into my panicked eyes.

I exhaled once again like I had been holding my breath forever. He was still just standing there. As soon as I blinked, he began to charge at me. And next thing you know, I was just standing there. He had sliced through my flesh on my arm, leaving a big ass cut. Not chopping my arm of exactly, more like a very big paper cut that's a little more deeper than normal. I finally realized, and started trying to fight back.

He lays a hit on my cheek, cutting it and causing it to bleed a very bright thick velvety fluid from my own body. I swing my knife my knife at his face and end up slicing his mask. For a moment, I don't see him at all. Where could he be? I'm just a singular moment, he's got me in a headlock and puts something over my mouth. I don't know what, but.. it's making.. me awfully sleepy..

_end of 01_

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