First Kiss

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Jeff the Killer
You were hiding in the closet from Jeff. You had both been bored, so you were playing tag. You stifled a giggle as you heard him calling for you. "Ohhhh Y/NNN~ where aaaare you?" You giggled silently, then screamed when he flung open the door. "Found you." He smirked and quickly pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked but kissed back quickly. He pulled away and smirked. "Your it!" He ran off, and you sighed, a pink blush coating your cheeks.

BEN Drowned
You and BEN were playing Super Smash Bros. You were teasing him because you had beaten him 3 times in a row. BEN was pouting, grumpy. When you guys started the next round, he quickly turned you away from the TV, and crashed his lips against yours. You blushed and kissed back, not knowing he had never paused the game and was killing your character repeatedly e.e

Eyeless Jack
"Pleeeeease?" You were trying to get Jack to take off his mask. "No." You didn't give up and gave him your best puppy-dog-eyes. Jack sighed in defeat. "Fine, but you gotta kiss me first." You blushed, but gently pushed his mask up, gently pressing your lips against his. When you pulled away, you realised that you never saw his face. "Jack! You tricked me!"

You two were playing hide-and-seek in the forest. You hid behind a tree, hoping he didn't find you. After a period of silence, you rounded the tree, only to have a pair of soft lips crash into yours gently. You blushed profusely, but kissed back. When you pulled away after at least a minute for air, you saw Hoodie readjusting his mask. Even though his mask was on, you could tell he was smiling.

You and Masky were in the middle of World War III, or a cheesecake fight. After you had finished with the cheesecake, the whole room was covered in cheesecake. You groaned, and began to clean up. Masky suddenly turned you towards him. "You have cheesecake on your lips." He kissed you passionately. You blushed, but kissed back. After he pulled away, you smiled at him. "There wasn't really cheesecake, I just wanted an excuse to kiss you." Masky said, grinning.

Lost Silver
Silver had been really quiet around you lately, and you wondered why. When you asked, he blushed and said quietly, "Y-Y/N...can I kiss you..?" You blushed but nodded, and the second you did, Silver leaned in, his cold lips brushing against yours gently before pulling away. "T-thank you..." You smiled, your face bright red. "No problem."

A/N Sorry these were so short! Σ(・□・;)

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