Chapter 2

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The next day, back at Jessica and Ashley's apartment, the newly engaged couple sat down in the kitchen trying to discuss wedding plans.

"I have to admit, I'm very happy we're taking our relationship to the next level. But right now, I'm drawing a blank as to when and where we can have our wedding," Jessica confessed.

"Relax, Jessica. It's not one of those things we have to decide on right away," Ashley said.

"I know. I was thinking about having a wedding sometime next fall. Gives us both enough time to come up with the money for everything," Jessica tossed out.

"Good idea. And I like the way you think too. We've always had to spend money on subway routes to and from our jobs," Ashley said.

"Well, at least it's better than how much the city charges for cab fare nowadays," Jessica said.

"True that. I always try to avoid cabs as much as possible," Ashley said, scowling.

"Me too," Jessica concurred.

"I think all of this is a bit overwhelming right now. Let's get out of here and take a walk," Ashley suggested.

With that, the two of them went for a walk down the street to clear their heads. This was the stressful part, all the planning of picking your location, flowers, food, and guest list. It was enough for some to think, "Forget it, let's elope." Yet both Jessica and Ashley knew once the big day arrived, it would be beautiful and magical, and they would then spend the rest of their lives together, which is what was most important. The details were trivial, but the celebration of finding that special someone is why they were doing this in the first place.

As they approached the next block, the ladies spotted a bridal shop on the corner.

Several beautiful wedding dresses were displayed in the front window of the store. The two of them stood there admiring the gorgeous gowns in awe. This would soon be them in front of all their friends and family in probably the most beautiful dress they would ever wear. Of course, money was still the issue, but they were determined one way or another to make their wedding day special.

As they were gazing at all of the lovely options in the storefront, they were approached by Stacie pushing Bella in her stroller.

"Hey ladies," Stacie said, happy to see them.

"Hey, Stacie. How are you doing today?" Jessica asked.

"Not too bad. I had a day off, so I figured Bella and I could take a stroll through the city this lovely day," Stacie explained.

"What a great idea," Ashley said.

"So, you two going wedding dress shopping today?" Stacie asked.

"More like browsing," Ashley told her.

"You must be so excited for the big day," Stacie exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think once we get all the plans together, we'll both feel a lot better," said Jessica.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you, would it be okay if I brought a date to the wedding?" Stacie asked.

"Oh sure, somebody new in your life?" Jessica asked, smiling.

"We've been seeing each other for a little while. I met him at work," Stacie explained.

"Well, we look forward to meeting him. You should bring him by sometime," Ashley said.

"Yeah, that'd be great. I'll get in touch with him, and we'll pick a time," Stacie said.

"Great, we'll see you later then," Jessica said.

"Later," Stacie waved goodbye.

The two ladies were certainly excited to meet Stacie's plus one and hoped he'd be a good guy for her. At the moment, there was still more wedding planning as the girls continued on their way.

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