Central Park

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 Thirteen years ago...


"Hey, Winter. Watch this!"

To demonstrate her new swing technique for her twin brother, a brunette calls out to him. She rides the swing while standing on it and leaps off when it reaches its highest point. She knew she would fall wrong when she jumped, so she braced herself for impact. Her brother races toward her attempting to catch her before she hits the ground.

"Agghh... Fuck!"

The child grips his arm tightly while screaming and cursing in pain as he attempts to hold back his tears. His sister notices that she injured her sibling after rubbing her scratched knee and tries to comfort him. He glared at her with teary eyes. She eventually tries to get help, but no one is in sight. She almost gives up until she looks up into a tree and locks eyes with a small boy.


Winter pulls her down, telling her to stop talking and leave the boy alone since he was "fine". They started arguing, but then they noticed a shadow passing over them. When they turn to gaze to their left, they see the boy in the tree standing over them holding out his hand. The girl got off of her brother so the boy could help. Winter hesitated, but he had no choice given his pain and lack of options, so he took the boy's hand with his good arm as his sister helped him on the waist area.

Winter POV:

A boy with purple eyes and brown curly hair helps me up from the ground and pats me off. He doesn't speak -or blink, I think- he just nods his head while pointing to my hurt arm. I stare at him confused for a minute then I catch on.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little scratched that's all."

I give him the best smile I can hope that he believed me so that I'm not a burden to him. Although, I'm more than sure that he doesn't believe me because now he looks confused. London starts to nag me for trying to help HER from breaking her fucking face. But, I guess I'm the one taking risks here. If I even thought a little that that kid believed me he doesn't now.  

"Lon- London-LONDON! I'm FINE! Shut the hell up. So annoying."

I try to get her to stop nagging me and scaring the boy who is uncomfortable with her describing in detail what else could have gone wrong. She shuts up but not before calling me a jerk. 'The audacity this little girl has is astronomical. sigh.' I mentally sigh but I know that she always has good intentions... When I get hurt at least. 

"Hurt? You are hurt. Come."

The purple-eyed boy grabs my arm and starts walking, pulling me with him. I don't know what to do so I just follow. I don't know why I am. Maybe, I trust him. Maybe, I'm curious. Or maybe I just made a new friend.

Third-person POV:

Winter and the boy go up a hill to a deserted church. Winter's curious eyes couldn't help themselves when they entered. The boy in front of him goes behind the altar and gets an emergency kit. Winter considers asking the boy why they are at an abandoned church because he doesn't understand why they are there. Nonetheless, he chooses not to, expecting that they won't stay too long. He is so preoccupied with his thoughts that he misses the boy wrapping his injured arm. Winter didn't realize until he exerted too much pressure causing him to wince in pain.

"You okay? Sorry. I don't do this to other people."

Slightly embarrassed, the boy looks down. Inferring that he was referring to patching himself up, Winter grinned a little. He examines the boy a little further. After observing the bandages and gauze that are covering him, his smile gradually fades into worry. He gives the purple boy a modest but kind smile as he raises his chin with his strong arm.

"That's okay! I'm just thankful that you helped me at all. I see that you have some injuries too. I don't want to be too nosy, but are you clumsy?"

Winter grinned at the boy and gave out a small, gentle laugh. The young man glances down after tilting his head in confusion. He looks down, as if forgetting his wounds, and is surprised to see how many patches he has on. He gives the boy a bashful smile in return and attempts to hide, which causes Winter to chuckle once again. 

After an hour or so, Winter notices that the sun is beginning to set. He turns to the boy and tells him that he needs to leave for home right away. As he approaches the giant double doors, he turns around and asks the boy's name.

"My name? My name is K-H-A-N. Khan."

Winter turns to the boy and smiles brightly before quietly saying the boy's name to test how it sounds on his tongue.

"I like your name! My name is Winter. I hope we meet again, K-H-A-N. Khan."


How's that for a first time meeting? They are 8 years old here so in thirteen years they'll be 21. Woohoo drinking age ;)

Jk. There will be no drinking on my Christian Minecraft Server!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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