~? POV~
'How did I get here?'
'Where is here?'
'The Last thing I remember was the cold air hitting me as I jumped off a bridge. Which followed by a hard cold crash in the water then everything went black. My cold lifeless body began to warm up for some unknown reason. I could feel my insides burning up like I was being cremated alive. I wanted to scream but couldn't find my voice. Next thing I know the burning dies down, I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a red sky.'
'My first thought was I'm not actually dead. That I slipped and hit my head on a hard object and now I'm hallucinating the sky being red for some reason; but that thought was short lived when I moved my body to sit up to have a better look at my surroundings. That's when I noticed I was in some filthy alleyway where a shitty dumpster laid with garbage overflowing out of it.'
'Great...I wake up near some shitty ass dumpster in some unknown area with a red sky.'
'Rubbing my head I tried to figure out what happened after I jumped, but when I rubbed my head I felt something off. I moved my hand slowly around my head till I found it. I ran my hand along whatever it was on my head moving my my arm back till one of my fingers could touch the tip of the object. That object felt just like a horn. Wait a minute a horn? Taking my other hand I did the same thing finding I had two grown horns on my head. What the Hell? I have horns on my head?'
'I had to get a better look at this. I had to find a mirror or some glass or a puddle. Anything to help me see my reflection. Looking around I was almost tempted to go trach hunting but was saved when I spotted a puddle on the sidewalk in front of me. Standing up my feet nearly gave out had I not caught hold of the edge of the dumpster, gross. My legs were obviously trying to get back in gear so I was going to have to take this slow. Could have ran up to the puddle but when I looked down and saw my legs and feet I almost fell over on my ass. My legs were red and my feet were bare but they looked like hooves now.'
'Hooves! First horns on my head now my feet look like freaking goat hooves! Screw my legs I thought and ran up too the puddle where I fell on my knees bending over to look in the puddle. What I saw looking back at me was an unexpected sight to see.'
'Seeing my reflection I could see how much my physicals appearance changed. It wasn't just my legs that were red but my whole body. My eyes were bright yellow with red pupils and I hadn't even realized until I noticed in my reflection that I now had a long pointed tail. A tail? As if having horns and hooves weren't enough I've got a tail. My facial features still looked the same and my short brown hair remained. Even the clothes I was wearing when I jumped remained. And yet my physical appearance changed into some kind of devil-like monster.'
'That's when it occurred to me that maybe my suicide was a success but I didn't go too Heaven but Hell.'
'So everything they say in Church is true after all? I mean, I always believed in Heaven and Hell as a kid but it never occurred to me that Hell would look a tad similar to Earth. Looking up from the puddle I observed my surroundings to find myself in a city. Nothing in the Bible ever mentioned Hell looking like this. Then again never read the Bible I just listened to what others told me; and what would anyone know about Hell's surroundings? Who's to say Heaven doesn't look like Hell only brighter and possibly less smelly. Ugh I can still smell the garbage from the dumpster. I knew I had to get away so I stood up and started walking in a random direction.'
'I don't know where I'm going but as long as I'm away from that shit smelling garbage I'll figure it out. As I walked down the sidewalk I took the time to get a better look at more of my surroundings. Hell truly looked like any city area back on Earth. Maybe not much New York busy but I'm in a city that's in Hell. I know I am saying the same thing over and over but I'm still trying to process what is happening. How do I even process this? Sure I may seem like I'm fine on the outside but in my head I'm freaking out. I've got no idea what I'm going to do.'
'At the moment I should consider myself lucky because there's no one else wandering around. Not sure what to do if and when I see another demon. Would I even be safe if we crossed paths? I may look like a demon but I don't know how it goes for newcomers down here. Is there somewhere I should go? Better question, where do I go? I'm helpless, lost and alone. All because I couldn't take the hurt anymore and choose to end things my own way instead of seeking out help. Now that I think about it would anyone have been willing to help me? Dumb question, someone probably could have helped me but I sought out the wrong people. And yet now that I think about it I didn't try as hard as I should have.'
'I did seek out a couple therapists but none of them could really understand my situation; although, in my opinion, it felt like none of the professionals I went to actually took the time to hear me out. It felt like they were just in it for the paycheck. That's all its about now these days isn't it? Greed, selfishness, ignorance, power, nobody cares about people themselves. (sigh) I'm such a fool. Why did I go through with suicide, why? I can never go back but why would I want to go back? True, my actions lead to these unpredictable consequences but on the other hand I'm free. I'm finally free from the pain, suffering, bullying, back stabbing jerks and my so-called family. Nobody ever cared about me. I was just a punching bag for everyone but not anymore. I may be down on my luck at the moment but at least I don't have to deal with the suffering.'
'I didn't know how long I had been walking for but by the time I came back to my senses I found myself in front of a large building. One that was going to change my life. Either for the better or the worse.'
A short chapter I know but I want to see what you, the readers think.
This is my first time trying to do a story on Helluva Boss. I recently got into the short series and I love it! Oh my gosh it is addicting~!
Be honest when leaving a comment after reading this first chapter and thank you.
Different Kinds of Fire
FanfictionThis is the story of how I came to Hell and to work for the I.M.P despite having no skills in killing anyone other than myself. Okay this is a dumb beginning but it was all I could come up with. Oh where are my manners? My name is Becky, and I'm the...