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<March 22nd 2024> (it's like 3 am)

3rd person/no one:

Rui had finally finished his latest robot and checked his phone. He had nearly forgotten he was on call with Tsukasa but felt so warm and fuzzy seeing the bold star's resting face. It was a truly beautiful sight to see after working so hard on his robot. He wished he got to see that face every time he went to bed but unfortunately he couldn't. Sad :((

Rui went over to his room and changed to his pajamas before going into bed. "Goodnight my shining star," Rui kissed his phone and plugged it in and drifted off to sleep.


Tsukasa groaned as he stretched. The blinding sunlight waking him up. He looked over to his phone to check the time and saw Rui's sleeping face. God how he wished he was there so he could hug him or kiss him or just AGH. Anyways, Tsukasa painfully got out of his warm comfortable bed after a few minutes of admiring Rui and went to change. He turned off his camera incase Rui woke up (not that Rui would mind... that horny bitch) and got into his normal day clothes andddd Rui's cardigan :3.

Tsukasa went back to his phone and checked the time. 11:25. Rui would have to wake up soon, they had to meet in sekai for practice at 12. Tsukasa, being the responsible boyfriend he is tried to think of ways to wake Rui up.

"Hmm Tsu?" Rui rubbed his eyes a bit before looking at his screen.

"Ah! Good morning Rui!" Tsukasa was relieved he didn't have to wake up Rui. He didn't want to yell or something and scare him.

"Morning love, ah what time is it?"

"It's 11:35! We have practice in sekai at noon!"

"Alrighty I'll get dressed then do you wanna maybe go to sekai early together?"

"Sure! When do you wanna go in?"

"Uh like 11:40 I should be ready, is that alright?"

"Yep, also how in the world do you get ready in 5 minutes?"

"I mean all i have to do is change and pee-"

"I did NOT need details!"

"You asked tho?"

"I don't want to know about when you pee!"

"Mk then i'll be in sekai after I change and go number one."

"That's almost worse,"

"Oh whatever, see you in sekai," Tsukasa hung up the call and Rui went to change.

<i'm sekai :)>

"Rin... Why were you singing a song about killing me and the other vocaloids and planting out arms in a garden?" (Fear Garden)

"Oh what we all know the songs we sing aren't things we would really do. For example: you sang about ducking a ton of people and we all know that you get absolutely ZERO bitches." (Gigantic O.T.N.)


"Am I wrong? OH and if we're going by song lyrics YOU sang a song about jerking off to people in school. MY GIRLFRIEND AND I INCLUDED!" (Plus Boy, I FUCKING LOVE plus boy sm)

"Pi pi pi
I shoot it out with peace. Re:Say→Wholehearted Self-Restraint
Riding a wave of technique, my desire to do it goes up and up
I'm kinda kinda kinda kinda getting excited
Your, your, your fucking!"


"Hi Rin hi Len!"

Tsukasa appeared into sekai and walked over to Rin and Len. "Oh hey Tsukasa what's up?"

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