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"Why must it always snow in this sad world?" Mumbled the girl in the woods. It was June, yet frosted snowflakes nipped on her skin along with the cold, icy wind. She didn't seem fazed by it.

The girl had her face down, staring at the path below her. Her long, white tresses with bangs swept on one side slightly moved with each step. In her hands, she carried a basket– filled with herbs, money and wisteria.

The girl– even in the snowy weather– had a white kimono, speckled with circular blue designs. Her small sock feet, even when stepping deep in the snow, left no footsteps behind when they passed through the girl's kimono.

Her eyes were the color of an azure blue. Her skin was a pale white, and her features were soft. She almost looked like a child.

You wouldn't believe she was sixteen when she looked like a twelve-year old. You wouldn't believe it if you saw her eyes, and see the split cat-like pupils etched into them, nor you would believe the tiny fangs in her teeth.

She reached her hand into the basket and took out a handful of wisteria flowers. She took in its sweet aroma, unbothered that the substance should be hazardous to her kind.

A sigh of relief came from her mouth as she reached her home. At least, what she called home. She hung her basket from the branches of a willow tree. The girl took the wisteria flowers from the assortment of herbs, and spread then around her home.

Now holding a lesser amount of the mauve flowers, she took her basket from the branches and disappeared into the cottage.

The small house consisted of a single room. A bed was shifted to a corner. The remaining of the floor was empty.

On two tables were her materials. Cloves, spare wisteria, Turmeric, Cinnamon, water, ginger, honey, mint, castor, pine leaves and many other herbs were casted upon the smooth surface of the first table.

The other table was covered with a white cloth, and had a stone bowl, a cylindrical stone, glasses and more wooden bowls, along with spoons.

The white-haired girl took out her herbs and arranged them onto the first table. She took out her money, counted the notes, and hid them in her bed's mattress. She knew well enough no one would steal the money, but she had no other place to keep it in.

The snow outside kept falling like usual. The young dawn now changed to a soft morning. It didn't change the weather though.

The girl came out of her cottage again. She observed the woods. Everything seemed normal.

Then why does she have such an uneasy feeling?

Her onyx eyes scanned the woods. Then everything hit her at once.

The scent of blood.

The footmarks of shoes.

And the glint of metal in the snow.


The girl stared at the metal. It seemed as if a part of it was coated in blood. She glided to it and picked it up with her claws. She observed.

The metal smelt familiar. Her mind flashed back to a while ago, when queer people entered her woods. They wielded long metal swords, and strange black clothing. Their only distinguishing features were their faces and kimonos.

The metal had the same scent to it; a sense of heat. The girl didn't like heat.

But she didn't like the snow either.

The footsteps also looked similar to the strange people's, so she assumed it must be the same crowd. She mustn't worry about humans who'd kill her without hesitation. She'd seen the people do this very thing to another demon like her who was camping in the outskirts of the woods. Moment he came in sight, the people closed and sliced his head, sending him to his demise.

She put the metal back where she found it, and turned away. The onyx eyed girl had no affairs in the human world anymore except for herbs and money. She didn't disturb their life, and they respond the same as well.

She almost took a step inside in her home, only the freeze dune to the sound of a groan.

She whipped her head east and her long, white locks flew in courtesy. The groan, she sensed, came from far away. Someone was hurt.

She went into her cottage and grabbed the remaining wisteria. The sound could have probably been made by a demon, so she can use it to drive it far from her home.

She rushed into the woods, stuffing the purple flowers in her pocket.


After sprinting for a few minutes, she reached the scene. The cautious girl avoided running straight into the clearing, and instead hid herself into the willow trees.

She'd came to this place before. The clearing was the only place in the forest where sunlight rays could peak through. They fell through the understories of the thick trees, forming small light patches on the snow and boy.

Blood spread through the white snow, tinting it a dark hue of red. A young boy lied on top of the snow. Well, what she assumed was a young boy.

The boy had a very muscular body. He wore no clothing in the chest area. The scars on them were visible. A large claw-like scar had struck him on the chest, red blood coming from it. He had the head of a boar, and pants similar to the strange people's. "So there is more humans like them..." the white haired girl thought.

What concerned her was that blood was seeping out of his head at a slow rate. The boy looked unconscious, as he gave no indication that he sensed her presence. In both hands were two swords, chipped from parts to form a design, but the tip of one seemed more chipped.

"That could be the origin of the metal." Thought the girl.

Moving slowly, she came out from her hiding place and into the clearing. She spread out her senses, searching for the slightest sound, movement or breathing. Alas, other than the rugged sound of the boar boy's breathing, there wasn't a soul in sight.

She sighed for the second time in the day. Today was going to last long. 

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