The journey

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Angels P.O.V-
   Today I realized that I was running out of supplies. So I had to leave my home. I left when the sun rose. I brought my pistol, extra bullets, an axe, and a backpack. I started my way out of the woods, after what felt like hours I made it to the road and started heading north. I searched empty cars, and any buildings I came acrossed. I came too a little town, I went to the gas station. I grab as much food as I can fit in my backpack. I then hear walkers growling and moaning. I grab my axe off of my hip and hold it in my hand while I walk out of the store. I look and see three walkers chasing a living boy. I drop my axe, and grab my pistol I aim it at the back of one of the walkers head and shot. The other two walkers start to run after me I quickly shot both of them. I ran to the boy to see if he was ok. I kneeled down by him and said "Hey are you ok??" "Yeah I think, I'm not injured" he said smiling at me "good I can leave now" I said really annoyed "wait can I at least get your name" he said while standing up asking for my hand. I took his hand and stood up, "names angel but most people call me omega" I said while taking in what he looks like, he's about 5'9 with long wavy blue'ish black hair and beautiful sky blue eyes. "That's a cool name my names Finn." He said with a big smile on his face " I need to go now you should find a place to stay for awhile." I said while trying not to smile at how cute he looks. "What your just going to leave?" He asks while pouting "Yes, I would like to survive in this shitty world" I say trying two get him to stop talking "we can survive together we can protected each other" he said smiling "no no no I don't work with other people. I live by myself I can survive by myself." I say trying not to yell  "Why not, please i don't have no where else to go I'm literally running away from my old group." He said looking sad " what, your a runaway?" I ask really confused " Yeah they tried killing me because I accidentally shot one of them while fighting walkers" he says while giggling " you can stay with me but if you do anything stupid I won't hesitate to kill you" I say will glaring at him

  We where going to walk back to my place but it was getting dark. "We should find shelter for the night." I say while looking around. "We can stay in one of the empty apartments." He points out. "Yeah I guess that's our only option, let's go" I say turning around heading towards one of the building. He stayed silent but followed me. We walked in the building that I think is a hotel. Finn heads to the front desk and goes behind it to grab the keys. "Room 202" he said while walking to the stairs. " wait, here" I say while handing him my axe. "So if there's any walkers you can kill them."I added on. He smiled and nodded before turning around to walk up the stairs, me following close behind him. We made it to the second floor without any trouble. But of course when we start walking there's 2 walkers. Finn put the axe through one of their heads while I shot one. "Nice aim" he said while looking at me. "You two,now grab my axe out of its head and let's go" I say while looking him in his eyes "right sorry" he said while grabbing the axe "come on I got the door open" I said while walking into the hotel room. "Is there any clothes I can wear I'm kinda covered in blood?" He asked giggling. I open the wardrobe and throw the clothes at him. He giggling while walking into the bathroom.

  Finn walked out of the bathroom without a shirt. His toned chest was littered with scars, and he had a tattoo of a wolf on the left side of his chest. I quickly look away trying not to blush. "The shirt was to small" he said " here I brought one with me." I say while giving him the shirt trying not to look at him. "Thanks, oh and do you have food I'm starving?" He said while putting on the shirt. "Yeah" I say as I pull out some canned beans and hand one to him "thank God I'm so hungry." He states as he's opening the can. " you act as if you haven't eaten in days." I say while I open my can. "I haven't for 5 days to be exact." He said with his mouth full of beans. I nod as I'm eating.

  We both have finished eating. "Where am I sleeping?" He asked "huh oh there's only one bed" I state while  looking around " we can just share the bed its big enough." I said while looking at how he looked. His hair was tied back, the shirt I gave him was falling off his shoulder showing some of his tattoo, and he was wearing shorts that barely showed. "Ok" he said while climbing into the bed. I then lay beside him and start to fall asleep. "Why don't you trust anyone?" He asked out of the blue. "What?" I ask "you where hesitate to allow me to stay with you I thought maybe you don't trust anyone." He said "well I guess I don't trust anyone, but I'm tired so shut up." I say "ok fine good night."

  The sun just rose as I got up, i grab some caned soup and went to wake up Finn. "Hey wake up" I say while shaking his shoulder. "Hm ok I'm up" he said while looking at me with sleepy eyes. "Let's eat then let's go" I said blushing a little. He then sits up and I handed him a can of soup.

  We finished eating, and get ready to go. We started walk down the road side by side. "What?" I say because Finn was staring at me. "Uh nothing" he said while laughing nervously. We turn down the path, and see a walker eating a deer. "Ew that's disgusting" he said as he hit the walker in the head with a rock. "Yeah let's just get back quickly." I say while trying not to look at him. We finally got to the mansion. " Wow this is were you live." He said with a huge smile. 

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