The Demi-Gods and Gods Offers

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All the Offers to catch you up. This is a story of one special offer though, stay tuned to find out why.

Kristin's Begging 1541

"Aster, my son is going insane, I don't know what's happening, is there any way you could help?" Kristin begged Aster to help her son.

"I'm sorry but I fear Ezekiel is the cause of this insanity, he seems to be taking the life of music before it can reach your son, Wilbur is too far gone in the insanity. I am sorry but whatever Ezekiel wants with him he's basically guaranteed by now." Aster was sad to say someone she viewed as a grand-son was beyond saving.

"Can I not give Wilbur my sanity?"

"I'm sorry but only another Demi-God could help him by switching sanity with the other, and there is only 1 other Demi-God."

"Would they not give up their sanity for my son?"

"They have barely just become a Demi-God and they are 15, she doesn't know she's already a Demi-God she thinks she's being trained currently."

"Ah, I see, I understand what you mean, he really is too far gone. What do you think Ezekiel would want with the Demi-God of the life of music?"

"I really am not sure, Ezekiel is weird in those ways. I'm sorry Ezekiel has messed with both of your sons."

Techno's Offer 1541

"Hello Ezekiel, what brings you to my hut today?" Techno wasn't on good terms with Ezekiel considering he cursed him.

"I've come with an apology, not a verbal one but an action. Would you, Techno Blade Watson, like to become a Demi-God like your dear brother is?" Ezekiel smirked yet Techno couldn't see it, but he did feel it.

"What would I become the Demi-God of if I accepted?"

"You Techno Blade Watson would become the Demi-God of Blood, And maybe you could become a God if you do your duties well enough."

"I accept becoming a Demi-God then." Techno did not know the full responsibilities of being the Demi-God of blood, but the voices screamed for blood so it must be connected.

Wilbur's Offer 1542

"Hello young Demi-God, I am Ezekiel. You must have heard of me from not your mother but your brother." Wilbur was shocked to see Ezekiel after he had gone into hiding just a few months ago.

"How did you find me? I put a spell on me to never be found."

"Oh young one, I'm of higher power, only mortals and other Demi-Gods cannot find you, your mother and Aster have decided to let you do this for your own benefit."

"Oh right, you're a God and I'm a Demi-God."

"Oh but I could make you a God, I did make your brother a Demi-God." Wilbur forgot how weird his brother acted after that, he heard him tell Kristin about how the voices would only ask for blood now.

"I could be the God of the life of music?"

"Well no, you would be the God of Music and Insanity, not the life of music, just music, a stronger title for a strong God."

"And insanity? What's the catch?"

"Well you would have to listen to me, I would be slightly higher in command then you that's all. It's the price to pay, your family would be none the wiser of you being a God not a Demi-God, your mother could've made you a God but she didn't, I see your full power."

Drista's Offer 1543

News spread fast in the kingdom of SMP, everyone had heard a Goddess was visiting to ask someone to be a Demi-God maybe more, some say it was fake news, some say it's just a small gift, some say it's a teenager the Goddess is visiting.

Drista had her 15th birthday, it was just like any other day except for the small gift her brother got her. A green hoodie, she got on identical to it every year since she was 5, this one came with a note saying she was allowed to for once explore the kingdom by her own, as long as she disguised herself. So Drista did just that, she would only be allowed to roam the kingdom with her brother, the King right by her side, and they both would wear masks with this smile on it. Dream would say how the God Ezekiel gifted it to him for good luck and power, and how he wanted them to match even if Drista's held no power. Drista walked the streets of the kingdom noticing how most people would give her dirty looks, probably because she wore something not formal outside, but who would wear formal wear outside. Drista got bored of it shortly after 20 minutes, there's not much to do in the kingdom without money or friends.

Drista was laying in bed reading a book about the Goddess Keres, it was rumoured she was visiting the kingdom soon so she wanted to know more about her. Then there was a flash of light. The Goddess Keres stood in front of Drista in all her glory. Drista scurried up to bow to the Goddess in her bedroom.

"No need to bow young, I've come with an offer." Keres spoke softly to Drista as to not startle her or the guards down the hall.

"Will you Drista Was Taken go through the training to become a Demi-God? You have the rest of your life to answer yes or no, but when you do answer it is permanent." Drista stood in shock at what Keres had offered.

"If a gift from me is more appealing I may give you a gift instead of the training."

"My answer is yes, I would love to become a Demi-God. Am I able to leave this kingdom?" Drista had just changed her life forever with this statement.

"Of course, to train you must come with me, take my hand to accept the offer officially if you want." Keres offered her hand to Drista and she immediately Drista offered her hand to Keres'. The offer has been accepted.

"You know there is no going back now?" Keres questioned the choice of the young teen.

"I understand, you fail 100% of the chances you don't take." Drista was confident in her response to the Goddess.

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