A New Start

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Is Tommy just built better then God's?

Drista, Thomas and Clementine started walking towards the closest village possible to the other one, most villages are very far apart but these 2 villages had been peaceful to each other and so stayed quite close, but that also means they already knew of them being "demons" so when they appeared through the village even with her features hidden she got stared at, everyone knew of what had happened, but how in such a short amount of time?

Drista and Thomas were getting bored of walking and Clementine was sleeping on Thomas' back, so they decided to head into the forest of Aster, it was one of the most protected forests' ever, usually stepping on a God's land is looked down upon by others and the God themselves, but when they found a clearing there was a note from Goddess Aster explaining how they had permission to live here as there was nothing dangerous here. The note said how they had permission to even build here, Thomas said how they should just build a small cave near a tree. That night Thomas went out to the closest village and bought some supplies to build, he picked a big tree and began digging and building the walls, it was a quarter way completed before Clementine woke up.

"Tommy? What you doings?" Clementine had just woken up and was rubbing her eyes.

"Making us a house to live in! Don't worry Clem." Drista woke up to the talking between them.

"How the hell are you like nearly a quarter done in just 1 night!? Even Gods take nearly 2 full days to make a house liveable for 3 people!?" Drista was dumb founded at what Thomas had started building overnight.

"I guess I'm just built differently than others?" Thomas was confused, it wasn't that hard, A God could easily do this in a few minutes?

"I know what your thinking and no, God's can't really mess with the structure of the overworld with powers, they can use their powers as tools and blocks, they can't snap it into place unless your the God of like building I guess they could, because powers and such, but it would have to be a gift for a mortal in that case! And oh, an offering could probably help a God build faster, so a big offering and a God could get the building done easily, as long as the offering is directed at the building of course." Thomas was the one dumb founded, this Demi-God basically just spilt some Godly secrets.

"Their not secrets by the way Thomas, or is it Tommy?" Drista had no clue on the teens real name.

"My name is Thomas, my nickname is Tommy, so I guess I would prefer to be called Tommy." Tommy explained his name to Drista.

"Huh okay, well I'm Drista as you know, I'm training to become the Demi-God of Chaos, Gods share their domain with their children or chosen immortals, I'm a chosen immortal obviously."

"Oh I see, so they don't give it up?"

"Nope, just like sharing it, the originals handle all the big jobs with the domain duh, and any Demi-God or God that has a domain to themselves despite being a 2nd generation is unlucky."

"How are they unlucky?"

"They are usually baby godlings and they have to do all the work by themselves. I heard a Demi-God turned into a God, and they were born a Demi-God but the God who made them a God wasn't in their God family. I should explain that you're technically in a God family if you get a gift or become a God or Demi-God via them, so I'm basically Keres' daughter now, but not really because I was born a mortal so my mother is dead now."

"Oh but what about the Demi-God who became a God?"

"Basically disowned himself from his mother as a God family, he has an immortal family and God family, he isn't related to Aster or Bardo anymore by that since Aster was his grandma in God family, Ezekiel is his God father now and XD is his God brother, his younger adopted brother is apart of his God family and immortal family as well, his brother is a Demi-God via Ezekiel so that's cool at least."

"Wow, the God's sound confusing with all that family stuff."

"Nah not really, Ezekiel just makes it confusing himself."

Tommy had to take a break from building, he was very close to finishing the small hut but Drista forced him to take a break, Drista was told not to touch the hut in case she somehow messed up the structure. Drista was just confused how Tommy knew how to build a hut, maybe even a full house, it was a spacious hut so far they had bought some pillows, blankets and a tent to stay out of rain, there hadn't been rain since the day before Tommy left apparently.

Tommy kept leaving the clearing where we were staying and coming back with flowers. He had a whole collection of flowers in no time, and at least 20 bouquet's. He was meant to be resting up from the building, not making bouquet's to most likely sell later on.

"Hey Tommy, how do you get all those flowers so quickly when some of them don't grow for miles?" Drista was so confused about this magic of time.

"It's a secret, why else would they sell so well? Because it's a secret, and well they last longer than other bouquet's or wild flowers you pick." Tommy liked to be secretive with his power, especially to a Demi-God who would probably tell Goddess Keres about him.

"Woah, does that mean their magical flowers? How would a mortal be able to do magic without a gift unless, wait, do you have a Godly gift!?"

"No sorry to disappoint, you're the only Godly thing I've seen ever."

"Aw, you got my hopes up for a second there."

"Why don't you go back to wherever Gods live? It can't be nice camping out here."

"Well nothing went wrong to cause me to leave, I came to cause chaos and I did, but it didn't last long though. So my mission is done basically." Drista tried her best to explain, in reality Keres told her to go cause chaos for however long she wants to, and she's taking that time getting attached to a mortal. "What should we do? It's so boring just staying here, Clementine just sleeps, eats and plays with my tail all day."

"We could make a farm, go into the village, play in the lake?"

"Well if we played in the lake then we would get wet, and only you have spare clothes."

"Then why don't we head into the village for clothes and food, and go play in the lake?"

"That doesn't seem bad at all." Drista shook Clementine awake softly and said we were going to the village. This time around Drista remembered to hide her horns and tail though.

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