1- The News

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I was rushing around the house, I didn't know what to do. I was filled with happiness, excitement, fear, and so much more. I heard the car pull up to the driveway, and I ran onto the front porch.

"Guess what!" I exclaimed. He looked at me with a curious smirk on his face. "What's up?" he said, shutting the car door

Mourning Doves flew over my head, their soft cooing echoing all around. The noise brought me back to the Summer of 1958, when I left San Diego, California, for Castle Rock, Oregon. I was 11 years old then, and I was so shy and scared of everything that a whisper could even make me jump. I remember the day we had to leave so very vividly.

"Lindsey, come downstairs. We have something to tell you." My mother called. I placed my sketchbook down on my grayish-blue bedspread and tossed my pencil onto my nightstand.

Almost falling down the stairs, I quickly made my way to the kitchen table where my parents were sitting. My 2 year old brother, Kevin, was crawling around the living room floor.

Whenever my parents had to tell me something, it was usually very bad or very exciting, sometimes both, but that was rare. Taking a seat at the table, I saw my parents exchanging nervous glances, but they were smiling.

"Sooo, what is it?" I asked curiously, excitement building up. "Well, me and your father have been discussing this for a while, but we decided that we're going to be moving to Castle Rock! Its a small little place in Oregon."

My smirk suddenly fell off my face. I had grow up in San Diego all my life, and had made so many friends. Well, at the time, so many was only 3. Aria, Samantha, and Katherine were the only friends I had, but they felt like the whole world.

Aria was pretty and popular, she always got noticed by the guys, especially the cute ones. Her hair was long and smooth and black. It was never frizzy, never messy, but always perfect. She had bright blue eyes that always went with her outfits. You may think a lot of girls would hate her because of their jealousy, but Aria was one of the nicest, most generous girls at school. It was hard to hate her.

Samantha, who we call Sammie, was a loud mouth, total opposite of me. She didn't care what people thought about her and always said what was on her mind. Everyday, her long, wavy, blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her brown eyes honestly contrasted well with her blue-rimmed glasses, but her outfits never went together. They were always a bit wonky.

Katherine had short and curly blonde hair with green eyes, while I had long flowing brown hair and brown eyes, but don't think that makes us different. We're the closest in our friend group— we're both shy, have pretty good style, like the same things (including taste in men) and so much more. I have known Katherine the longest, too, and since kindergarten, we have been inseparable.

I looked at my mom. "What about my friends? What about the life we have here? I mean, don't get me wrong, sometimes I hate it here, but this is my home!"

My mom reached for my hand across the table. "I know its hard on you, honey, but trust me, it was a hard decision for your father and I to make, too. You know my friend, Paula, right?" I nodded. "Well, she grew up in Castle Rock. She said it was amazing, and I just would love for you and Kevin to have a good childhood. I really think you'll love it there. Now, sweetheart, go start packing. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon."

"Tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yes," My dad started. "And when your done packing, please come down and help your mother with dinner. I'm taking Kevin to the store with me."

I sighed and started walking up the stairs. Jesus, would I even have friends in Castle Rock?

Ahhhh! This is the second story I'm working on and I'm not even done with the first (at the time Im writing this obviously) So far I really like how its going and I hope you all do too.
Word Count: 682

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