2. Castle Rock

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"Wake up, Lindsey! You might be late!" I heard my cousin, Johnny, shout. Johnny was originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, he was one year older than me (yeah, ik, time doesn't add up) and his parents were abusive and really didn't give a shit about him. My mother told me he was a mistake, and I definitely believe it seeing the way he's treated.

I had been to Tulsa once before, where I hung out with Johnny and all his friends for a week. Me and Ponyboy got along the best, he understood me very well. Him, Johnny, and I would always hang around with each other, walk the streets, and much more. One day, I'm pretty sure it was a Sunday, we ran into these boys. They were called the Socs around there, but we ended up escaping. Good thing all of us are fast, especially Pony.

Johnny opened my door. "C'mon!!" I sat up and started to get dressed. I wore faded and ripped light blue jeans with a black T-Shirt. I had to tie the bottom since it was too big for me. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and grabbed my bags.

I almost forgot to say why Johnny was with me! His parents left town for a while and didn't trust him by himself, so they sent him all the way over to our house.

Opening the front door, I handed Johnny one of my bags to bring to the car. I locked the door since I was the last one in the house. I walked down my sidewalk for the last time, and grabbed a leaf off my favorite tree. My whole life, I had been climbing that tree, sometimes bring a book or a pen to draw on myself. Occasionally, a knife, so I could carve things into the tree.

The leaf dropped out of my hands and onto the ground. I loaded my bags into the car and ran over to Johnny.

"I'll miss you, Cuz" I wrapped my arms around him and felt a hot tear run down my cheek. I could tell he was crying too. He took his hand and wiped the back of it across his face. I slowly released him and he looked at me. "I'll miss you too."

I passed him a piece of paper and climbed into the car quickly. (You can skip this part if you want) By the way, the paper said:

May 28, 1958-
Dear Johnny,
I'm scared to go to Castle Rock. What if I have no friends? What if I get bullied when school starts? Will I be happy? Well, anyway, I'm sure I'm overthinking this whole thing. Man, I'll miss you and the guys so much. I'll ask if I can visit you guys as soon as I can, but Johnny.. Don't you forget about me! I hope you know I'll think about Portsmouth and Tulsa everyday. For now, I have individual messages for all the guys. Love you, Cuz!
Pony- Hey man, I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever! Just know that a day hasn't passed since I hadn't thought about you (or the time we made Soda cry by accident. Oops!) I miss you more than you'll ever know! I hope I'll be able to visit soon. I hope we can keep in touch!
Soda- Hi, Soda! Sorry about making you cry that one day. I still feel pretty bad about it, but it was a bit funny. I know I'll miss you, you felt like a brother to me. I always wanted an older brother, so I was so happy to have you in my life. Thanks for all the good memories!
Darry- DARRY! I MISSED YOU! You helped me so much while I had my short time in Tulsa. Thank you for warning me about the Socs, and I still laugh to this day after you tackled Two-Bit for telling Pony to kiss me. You should've seen the look on your face! It was hysterical!! Also, thanks for watching over me when my parents couldn't. You were a lot of help. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Dally- Hello Mr. Dallas Winston. You were tough on me all the time, but I have to admit, I felt really safe with you. Yeah, I know, your not the type that likes reading heartfelt messages but I'm gonna miss you. A lot. Darry told me you said I felt like a younger sister. Thats pretty cool, man. Keep up the good work with doing whatever you do. Keep robbing places, it was fun stealing from the corner store with you. Try not to get caught, though!
Two-Bit- Whats Upppp!! I can't believe its been almost 5 months since I saw you! Yeah, in reality, its not that much, but it feels like yesterday. Thanks for letting me try to smoke, but I don't think I ever wanna fit in with the other guys again. Thats was absolutely horrible. Traumatizing, to say the least. Also, I'm sorry for the time me and Pony kept ignoring you, Steve told us to! I'll miss you a lot, Buddy
Steve- Stevel the Weasel, I can not believe it but I really miss you! You're the reason I want chocolate cake every 5 seconds, too. My mom thinks I have a serious problem! She's made it for me a few times, but I'm gonna be honest, you and the guys always made it better. Thanks for the good time. Try to stop and visit Castle Rock!
-And to all the guys, with much love, Lindsey

I saw Johnny glance down at the paper and smile a bit. He tilted his head back up at me and waved. I raised my hand into the air and waved back. God, I was going to miss it here

I opened my eyes when I felt our car bumping down the rocky driveway. Great, we didn't even hand a proper driveway.

"Well, here we are!" my dad exclaimed with fake and very noticeable enthusiasm. My house was a pretty big, colored a soft cream white, a light brown roof with some shingles missing, silver window panes, a dark blue front door, and a good sized yard, front and back.

"It's pretty" I said. My mother looked at me and smiled, but when she realized I'd seen her, she looked down and over at the house again.

I walked in with my bags and started up the stairs. They were nice wood stairs, but at the top they were carpeted. My room was all the way to the right, so thats where I went.

Opening the door, I revealed my new room. It was absolutely beautiful.

AHHHHH! I loved writing this chapter, it was so much fun! My friend yelled at me after school for making Wil Wheaton fanfics :(
Word Count- 1128

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