Spooky Island Castle Ride.

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Brooklyn's Pov.

as we went inside of the castle, the door slammed scaring, Daphne, Scooby, Shaggy, Sam, Dean, Sandi, and me.

"Oh, boy. This place is, like, uber creepy." Shaggy says as I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, Uber Creepy." Scooby agrees with Shaggy and me.

"The only thing missing is a mindless Zombie." Daphne says as I nod in agreement and then out of nowhere the door opens scaring me, Shaggy, Scooby, and Daph as Paul, Fred and Gene, and Erik walk into the room.

"Really, Boys. You guys scared the shit out of us." I said as I was not happy.

"Boys, get back. I found this place. I call dibs on its clues." Daph says as I rolled my eyes.

"Daph, I think, that they've already found some clues. Right?" I asked as Fred nods.

"What?" Daph says shocked.

"We followed some weird footprints up here. It might be dangerous for you." Fred says as I rolled my eyes and Daphne looked behind me and saw Velma, and she knew that Velma was about to scare the shit out of me.

"If anyone messes with me, I'll open a can Chinese whoop-ass." I said as felt something on my shoulder as I got scared shitless to only know that it was just Velma.

"Velma!" Shaggy and I say as I sat on the floor with my face in my hands and I was embarrassed.

"What are you and Tommy doing here?" Fred asked as Paul was worried for me.

"This ride was closed for construction. It's the most likely to hatch a plan. And I wanted to scare the crap out of Brooklyn. Brooklyn are you okay?" Velma says as I look at her. 

"First off you guys scared the shit out of us. And second Velma, you scared me shitless. And now Let's just get this mystery over with." I said as a tear went down my cheek. 

"Did we really scare you the most?" Paul asked as I nod and more tears stream down my cheeks.

"Yeah, you did." I said as Paul knelt down beside me, and made me look at him, then he kisses me on the lips so passionately, and lovingly.

"We didn't mean to scare you, Brooklyn." Gene says as Paul and I pulled away for air and I look at him.

"I know. But still." I said as they nod.

"Anyways, well since, we're all together, let's spilt up and look for more clues. Daph, you and I--" Fred says as I rolled my eyes and Said: "Typical."

"What." Fred says.

"Oh, nothing, Before Shandi came along, Velma and I always got pick last for the teams, and you did the same thing when Shandi came along and join us in doing the solving mysteries." I said as Velma and Shandi nod in agreement...

"So, Brooklyn, the boys, and I will go this way." Paul says as we did and were walking through a hallway.

*Time skip*

"Hey, Brooklyn; I never meant to-- well, you know, pick you or Shandi, or Velma last." Fred says as I smiled.

"Don't worry about, Fred. I know you so does Velma and Shandi. All you care about is swimsuit models." I said as Shandi nods in agreement.

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