First day at UA

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Emi's POV

I wake up to Eijiro staring down at me. I blink. "What," I say turning around. "Come on Emi," he said with a jump in his voice, "it's the first day of UA today." "Fine, fine I'm coming," I say with the most tired voice. "Ok but don't make us late," he says running out the door. I get up and head in the shower. Once I get out I brush my hair and teeth. Then I put on my uniform and grab my bag. I look at my phone and see a message from Megami. The message said 'are you excited for our first day' I message her back say that I was excited but also terrified. I walk downstairs and sit at the table. I see a big breakfast on the table and dig in. Eijiro walks down the stairs and stares at me. "And you were the one who said that I was gonna make us late," I say and he chuckles. He sits down and he digs in too.

About 20 minutes we were out the door and at the UA gate. I look at gate and immediate want to leave. I got in on recommendations by my teacher in junior high. He always said my quirk was amazing and that I should be proud. Eijiro must have noticed my face because he squeezed my hand. "Come on, you got this," he said with his encouraging shark tooth smile. I chuckled and we both walked in.

We both walked till we found a huge door with the word "1-A" on the front. Eijiro let's go of my hand and walks in and when he opens the door all I hear is voices. At least 20. Eijiro walks in and I come after him. All eyes are on me. Well more specific my fins. I had my uniform specialy made so my fin can stick out. I walk over to a desk in the back of the room and put my head down. I am so embarrassed. I hear footsteps next to me and I see Izuku. "Hey Emi," he says with a cute small wave. "Oh, hi Izu," I say barely lifting my head up. Todoroki and Megami come up behind him holding hands. Todoroki and Megami have been dating for almost 2 years now. I look at them, "hi Todo, hi Megami." My voice was so tired. They say hi then go back to their seats knowing I don't want to be bothered. I hear yelling and immediately know who it is. Just like I thought when I picked my head up I'm looking at the hotheaded ash blond boy also known as Katsuki Bakugo. "Bakugo calm down," I say "your giving me a headache." He doesn't listen to me and instead responds with a "tch." I roll my eyes and look around. There are at least two other people who look like they have an animal quirk. This girl who looks like her quirk might be a frog and a kid who's got the head of a bird. Just then a girl with pink hair and skin comes up to me. "Hi I'm Mina," she says with so much pep in her voice. I roll my eyes and look the other way while responding, "I'm Emi and I need some space." She looked at me with a confused look. "Can I touch your fins," she asked reaching for my fins. "Can you wh-," I say as she grabs my fin, "hey stop!" I say screaming. Eijiro looks at me and saw how uncomfortable I was and he ran up to me. "Hey mina stop!" He said blocking me. "Can't you see she is uncomfortable!" "Sorry, sorry," she apologizes. She walks away and Eijiro looked at me. I had a terrified look on my face and looked like I was about to cry. He patted my shoulder and started to comfort me then went back to this little group he was talking to that was in the back corner opposite of me.

Eijiros POV

I go back to my new friends after Emi seems comfortable again. I walk back and they start talking about Emi. "She's so cute." I hear mina say. "Yeah, she really is... I wonder if she has a boyfriend?" I hear Kaminari ask. "Hey, you don't hurt her," I say to him. "Oops sorry looks like she does." "Wait, what... Oh no," i say waving my hands back and forth "she's my sister." "Oh" everyone says. Kaminari starts to talk again, "so she is single." He looks at Emi with a raised eyebrow. "Yes but.." I get cut off. "Everyone sit down," I turn around to see our teacher talking.

Emi's POV

Our teacher walks in and explains what we're doing today. Apparently we are doing a quirk test. I change into our gym clothes and walk outside. I walk outside when I feel something touch my fin. "Hey!" I scream and turn around. It's mina again. "Mina leave the poor girl alone," I hear a voice behind me say. I look behind me and see a blond boy with a black lightning bolt through his hair. "Trying to impress the girl,huh?" Mina says from behind me. I turn around and blush. "Huh... Me?" I say almost my whole face is red. Mina laughs. "Girl, you're as red as a tomato." Kaminari speaks up again, "Tomatos are cute." He smiles at me. I look down at the floor. Just then a short kid with what looked like purple balls for hair walked up to me and started reaching for my chest. I kicked him and he went flying. Mina clapped. "Good job, Emi." "Thanks," I say and turn to walk away. Forgetting that the blond boy was behind me I walk into his chest. I fall backwards but he catches me. "I am so sorry," I sat as he helps me up. "No it's my fault," he says. We are both blushing but neither of us notice. "Oh, I'm Kaminari, by the way," he said confidently"the best looking boy in this school." "Sure" I say walking past him, " see you later Kaminari." I sounded so confident but really I had so many butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stand correctly.

I got outside and Our teacher, Aizawa explained what we were gonna do.

(Time skip)

I look at the scoreboard standing next to Eijiro and Izuku. I got 5th place. Not bad. I look at the bottom of the scoreboard and see Izukus name. I look over at him and I can tell he was upset. I hug him and then I hear Aizawa talk, "oh and no one is getting expelled." "What!" The whole class exclaimed. I can hear Izuku gasp in relief. I let go of him and we all head back to the changing rooms.

Thank you for reading this chapter I had fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it. Make sure to check out my friends story "two of the same mind" and my other story "stubborn love"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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