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TW/CW: language, gore

Ghostface's POV

we chose a random ass movie on Netflix and it began to play. The movie that was chosen is called 'The Conjuring', it's a horror classic, but not as popular as Halloween or IT. The movie played, but (Y/N) still didn't seem tired. I know they had a lot of trouble sleeping at the time, so I tried my best to help. I don't know why though.

After The Conjuring 2, (Y/N) seemed only a little bit tired. Holy shit, what takes this crazy bitch to fall asleep?! It's already 2 in the morning, fucking Christ. "(Y/N), only one more movie, okay?" I said, putting on one more movie. They nodded and jumped with joy as they saw what the last movie would be: IT 2017. I though that this one would work, and god was I correct. Half way through the movie, they fell asleep, resting their head in on my shoulder. Oh wow, okay that happened.

They finally had fallen asleep, so I didn't wanna risk waking them in any way, meaning I couldn't leave for a while. I tried to move them a little bit so I could lay down, and they wrapped their arms around me and put their head on my chest. I could feel my face getting red quickly, (Y/N) was so cute while they were asleep. Oh shit that sounds creepy as fuck.

The next morning, I tried to get up from the couch, as they had lost grip on me. "Mm. Stay." They mumbled, pulling me back onto the couch. "I really need to get going, (Y/N).." I said, getting up again. I made my way to the window, opened it, and climbed out. I ran over to an alleyway and took of the mask, i had been wearing it all night.


After Ghostface left, I got off of the couch and the landline phone rang. Why does this seem so,, familiar? I picked up the phone and answered "hello?" "Hello," the same old raspy voice said. "Hey, Ghostface, when are you coming back? I miss you." I frowned. Why did I say that ? I'm such an idiot. Odd enough, I think I actually missed him. God damn. "Well in that case, I'll be sure to come back shortly." His calming yet scratchy sounding voice said before hanging up.

Could I really miss him?


"Holy shitters-!" I jumped as i felt cold gloved hands on my shoulders. "Hey, sweetheart," he whispered into my ear. Fuck, that was hot."you gave me a fucking heart attack!" I exclaimed, turning around to face him and his mask. He put his index finger over my mouth to shut me up. "I'm sorry, hot stuff, I really am. I didn't mean to." He said, moving his finger away. HOLY SHIT IS HE SEDUCING ME?? WHAT HE SAID FELT SEDUCTIVE TO ME HOLY FUCK. He seemed like he actually meant it. Ghostface grabbed my hand and kissed it. I did the same, grabbing his hand that was covered by a black soft material and kissed it. "You trying to one up me, but I'm not gonna let that happen," I giggled.

HOLY SHIT I JUST KISSED THE GUY ON THE HAND WHO TRIED TO KILL ME. Do I have a taste in men who try to murder me? Is that why I've never really had love interests? Well, I don't know if I like him, but maybe. God damn it, love life is hard as shit.

He picked me up and brought me into my bedroom. He took a pause in front of my bed, setting me down to sit on it. "What you're gonna do is get changed into some clothes and then come down stairs, alright?" He demanded. I nodded in agreement and he left my room. I got up from my bed and grabbed some clothes from my drawer; my t-shirt of (F/B AKA FAVOURITE BAND), and some baggy jeans. I quickly got them on and came back downstairs to see Ghostface sitting on the couch, waiting for me.

I went over and sat down next to him. "You need to take your painkillers, then we're gonna play a game," he said, handing me my specific amount of painkillers hand a water bottle. "Is it a type of game like last time? Or one where you'll gut me like a fish?" I asked, grabbing them from him. "Nope." He chuckled. I quickly slipped them into my mouth and took a sip of water, causing myself to swallow. Bleh, they still tasted like actual shit. "I know they don't taste the best, but they're here to help you," he explained. I like that he's attempting to fix his mistake, it's sweet.

"So, what are we gonna play?" I asked, tilting my head. "I was thinking.. Clue in real life?" He said. Huh? What could that mean. I tilted my head for a moment. Shit. He meant Clue; a murder mystery game. In real life. I was gonna be the victim, wasn't I? "I'll.. be right back." I stuttered, slowly backing away from him. I slowly began to walk backwards, staring at Ghostface to make sure he didn't move so I could have a chance to run away. Finally, my moment came. I turned around and quickly started opening the door, trying to escape. He grabbed the back of my t-shirt and dragged me back in.

I tried to kick him in the face, but with his knife, he stabbed my foot. Sorry, THROUGH my foot. "WHAT THE FUCK??" I yelled. I had big areas of water dripping from my eye sockets, as I continued to sob because of the pain. "Why did you try to leave? I was only joking about the Clue in real life thing." He said sternly. I tried to think of words to use to reply to that, but I couldn't. They were gone, as if they were bubbles that flew up into the sky and got popped or lost. I turned my head away from him.

"Oh so that's the game you wanna play? The silent treatment? So be it. Stay quiet," Ghostface says. I completely sob in pure pain and agony as he opens a backpack he has with him and takes out a cloth and.. some other thing? "Hush, sweetheart, you'll be okay.." Ghostface whispered as he put the cloth over my mouth. For a moment, everything went blank. My eyes slowly grew heavier as they began to close, losing consciousness and passing out. I think.

_end of 03_

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