Chapter 2 - Second Chances

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"Get up Harry, I'm starving."

Harry's eyes shot open and he jolted up in bed. He was sitting in his four-poster bed at Hogwarts and standing next to him, peaking through the scarlet curtains was none other than Ron Weasley.

A lump caught in Harry's throat and he felt his eyes start to water. He slid out of bed and grabbed a startled Ron in a bone-crushing hug.

"Mate-" Ron said, shuffling awkwardly in Harry's embrace. "Early breakfast is great, but I wasn't really expecting this kind of reaction."

"Sorry," Harry said, stepping back. "I didn't exactly sleep well last night."

"Oh," a still bewildered Ron said. He lowered his voice. "Was it another nightmare? Did your scar hurt? Maybe you should send another letter to Sirius."

"No!" Harry said quickly. "It's just- just an ordinary nightmare. Nothing to be concerned about."

"So breakfast then?" Ron asked hopefully.

"Yeah mate, just give me a moment to change."

Drawing the curtains back around his bed, Harry buried his face in his pillow as frustrated tears threatened to leak out.

Ron was alive. And Sirius too, Harry thought as he let out a quiet sob.

Gathering himself, he took a shaky deep breath. He was just beginning to wrap his head around what lay in store for him. It was a task of monumental proportions, and Harry was a scrawny fourteen-year-old.

At least I have Hermione to help me.

A few minutes later, Ron and Harry walked down the stairs to the common room to find Hermione waiting for them on a couch, staring into the fireplace.

She glanced up as they approached her, and her eyes met Harry's. Remembering Death's soulmate revelation, his face tinged red.

Hermione turned a light shade of pink herself, opening her mouth to speak until she saw Ron.

"Ron?" she gasped, jumping to her feet. "I haven't seen you in so long," she exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.

"What? Hermione, you saw me yesterday," Ron said, thoroughly confused.

"Right, of course," Hermione said awkwardly as she pulled away.

"Let's just go eat," Ron said, leading the group out the Fat Lady's portrait with Harry and Hermione in tow.

Letting Ron take the lead, Hermione dropped back next to Harry. After walking in silence for some time, Hermione finally broke the silence.

"We're really back," she said incredulously. "Losing to Voldemort, Death, the office... It was all real."

"It was," Harry agreed, still in shock.

"I still can't believe it," Hermione breathed. "Three whole years Harry. So many dead."

"We can make it right this time," Harry said, looking at her. "I'm going to need your help, but you already knew that."

She nodded, giving him a small smile. "I know, there's just so much we have to fix."

"We'll do this, Harry," she said reassuringly. "Together."

As they entered the Great Hall, the Goblet of Fire stood in the center before them, the thin age line encircling it glowing a soft gold. Harry's heart skipped a beat upon seeing the artifact.

"Do you think Crouch put my name in yet?" Harry whispered to Hermione as they sat down right across from the Goblet.

"He probably put it in during the night," she whispered back, disapprovingly glancing at Ron as he helped himself to a platter of toast set on the table. "Even if he didn't, I don't think stopping him or even revealing him as a fraud would be a very good idea this early."

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