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It was 10pm as Maeve settled into bed, having finished all of her work for the day.

She had changed into night clothes which consisted of the grey track pants that the school provided and a crew neck the read "Vail" on the front-- it was Daniel's, and vail was where the commune was in which her family was once settled in. It was one of her most prized possessions, bringing her some semblance of comfort whenever she put it on.

As she closed her eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep, she remained unaware of the situation that was unfolding right near her. 

"This is the closest chance we have. Two of them. Two. I need you to secure her and bring her here." Marlene spoke to one of her Firefly soldiers who she had tasked with getting Maeve to their facility.

A new development had been made as a group of Fireflies out west had believed that with the help of these two immune girls, a cure could be formed. 

With this high chance of hope, and the discovery of Ellie's immunity, Marlene decided it was best to get them on their way to the doctors out west. 

The door to Maeve's dorm crept open, squeaking slightly as the Firefly approached the little girl quietly. 

All of a sudden, Maeve was awoken abruptly as a hand was covered over her mouth before she was picked up and carried out of her room. 

She tried to beat against the attacker, but the firm hold that he held on her legs and arms prevented her from being able to do much. 

Her cries were also silenced as the hand remained over her mouth. 

After what felt like an hour, the man had successfully brought the young girl into a dreary room, cuffing the girls ankle before exiting without another word. 

Maeve was so stunned from the whole situation that she hadn't registered the other person that was looking at her with great concern.

"Hey, are you okay?" The girl spoke from beside her.

Maeve flinched as her voice cut through the silence that engulfed them. 

She turned to look towards the unfamiliar girl, a look of confusion taking over her features.

"Okay, not much of talker. Noted." The girl said with a light chuckle.

"I'm Ellie." The girl said, somewhat waiting for a response from the younger girl. 

As Maeve continued to look around the room hastily, she spoke,

"Where a-are we?" Her voice laced with concern.

"The Fireflies, they took me here about a week ago." Ellie answered slowly, trying to calm the younger girl down.

Maeve recognized that name, 'Fireflies', it was familiar to her. 

After a few minutes, Maeve had calmed down in the slightest, being taken by Ellie as a sign to get her talking. 

"So, what's your name?" She approached quietly, trying not to startle the younger girl again. 

Maeve looked towards Ellie before speaking again, "Maeve." She said simply, breaking eye contact. 

"Maeve. That's a cool name." Ellie responded, trying to cheer the girl up. 

"How old are you?" Ellie continued. 

Maeve hesitated, not having spoken this much to someone in a long time. 

Ellie picked up on this hesitancy, continuing to spill about herself in order to make the girl feel more comfortable. 

"I'm 14. Before this I was in the Military school." Ellie spoke. 

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