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Hey guys 👋 

So I have absolutely zero idea of how this story is going to end or what's going to happen so if you have ANY ideas please comment them! I promise I read all of your comments! ❤️

IF I use one of your ideas I will put your username on the chapter to give you credit for the idea. If you do not want your name on the chapter please put the following on your suggestion comment.

(Copy and paste the no name please but do not comment on the no name please. Thanks)


This way I will know who wants it and who doesn't. Love ya! ❤️

Rules for suggestions: I will NOT write nothing 18+ or anything like that. But I will write...





I might do a special chapter when it's like if someone asks for like hybrid or period cramps or smthn like that but yea. That's not really my cup of tea. 😅~

Please comment on the category your idea corresponds with. If I didn't list it please put it on "Other~".

BUT YEA. That's all! Thank you guys! If you have any questions please comment on the next line down.

Questions here! 

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