Prologue: This'll be the Death of Me

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2649 tapped his foot on the ground, waiting. 


The clock on the wall ticked away the time he had left.

The Ready Room never looked welcoming on the screen, and it certainly wasn't improved by being there in-person.

Five fen'zhong wasn't exactly the longest amount of time when you were living through it.

Tick tock. 

2649 took another breath and exhaled slowly. He trained for this. He was ready.

Ready to go up against 1078, though? Eh, probably not. 

He wondered how much implanting the chip would hurt. How it would feel to actually kill someone. How it was like outside of the world that greeted him with bloodied knuckles and shards of glass.

There really wasn't anything to reminisce on. The past was behind him, and 2649 dealt with it by baring his teeth and clawing his way out-

"2694, prepare for transport."

The announcement shook 2649 out of his thoughts and he sighed. Well. So much for trying to get his mind into a dark and mysterious place.

Then again, when had anyone else's advice for making it out alive in the games worked? 1002 suggested the mindset, 995 suggested the physical fitness, and 1078 herself suggested luck. Which one was right? Or were they all simply just spewing off things so that they would have the better chance of getting out of the games alive?

Unless it was a combination of all of it. 2649 wasn't sure who to believe anymore, especially with his handler shouting things in his face to try and get him to be more lethal. 

First of all, Menkeds weren't violent by nature, the only reason why they went to war was because their homes and family were threatened. Second, 2649 once stepped on a beetle, then proceeded to apologize profusely to it and gave it a funeral, he didn't exactly think that he was cut out for murdering people. 

Unfortunately, since other Menkeds were murdering, the idea that everyone could be turned into a killer in the right circumstance was just engraved in their heads. 2649 wasn't sure how exactly to convince them that not everyone wanted to be violent.

Of course, not like anyone would care about what he had to say. Money and fame, that's all that anyone wanted to focus their attention on. They didn't seem to care that the ones they took advantage of were slowly dying as long as they got their thousand yuans. 

The door opened and a game official came in, wielding a syringe and with a small weapons pack. 2649 grunted as the game official roughly grabbed his head and forced it downwards, leaving the back of his neck exposed. The syringe was plunged in and taken out in a quick motion that didn't even leave time for 2649 to yelp in pain. 

As 2649 reached up to feel around the place where his chip was implanted, the game official tossed the weapons pack towards him, and held up a small black disk.

"Comms," the game official grunted as 2649 fumbled to catch the pack. "Latest model. It's imprinted to your unique shifter code, so no one's gonna be hijacking that anytime soon."

2649 nodded his thanks and peaked inside the pack. A knife, a gun with extra ammo, and a basic first aid kit. A first aid kit? When in all of the game's history has there been a need for that? When people died all around you? 2649 wasn't sure whether to be appalled or to be surprised. 

"Oh believe me, you probably won't be needing that," the game official said, seemingly reading 2649's mind. "Since you're up against 1078, you'll probably be dead before you even get the chance to use that."

2649 shrugged in reply. He wondered for a moment if he really looked like the type of person who died that easily.

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