Untitled Part 5

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it took several hours before I thawed enough to sit without being wrapped in fur, granted Wulf is still next to me but still, "Great One I am afraid it was worse this time" "how, I didn't use any powers, I sat in tub before Skulker showed up..." "yeah can we not speak about that welp" "agreed. But what caused it this time?" I look to Frostbite seeing him in thought, "I suppose I could run some tests again but this time I will require Vladimir's blood as well, I have a theory but I need to prove it before speaking it aloud" I see Vlads eye twitch "very well" he holds his arm out allowing Frostbite to extract the necessary amount required for his test before doing the same to me.

(1) "Mia amiko, la hundo Cujo alproksimiĝas, ĉu vi volas lin ĉi tie?"
-My friend, the dog Cujo approaches, you want him here?

(2) "Jes Wulf estas bone se li estas ĉi tie, sed se vi flaras FrightNight kaj liaj amikoj sciigu min, ĉu bone?"
-Yes Wulf its fine if he's here, but if you smell FrightNight and his friends let me know, ok?

(3) "Kompreneble Danny"
-of course Danny

almost immediately Cujo runs into the room and into my lap licking my face and nuzzling my cheek, "it would seem he was worried about you Little Badger" "he always is" petting him to calm him down we wait for Frostbite to return, however when he does he speaks in our langue, the langue of frost beasts Swedish, which means he's nervous and wants to speak privately.

(4) "Bra, mina tester har bevisat min teori, och du kommer inte att gilla det."
-Great One, my tests have proven my theory, and you will not like it.

(5) "vad för frostskada?"
-what Frostbite

(6) "Anledningen till instabiliteten i din kärna är att du saknar en partner. Men jag har goda nyheter."
-the reason for the instability of your core is because you lack a mate. But I have good news.

(7) "vilket är?"
-which is?

(8) "det verkar som att Vladimir är din avsedda kompis."
-it would seem Vladimir is your destined mate.

(9) "Snälla berätta för mig att du skämtar!"
-Please tell me your joking!

(10) "Jag är inte."
-I am not.

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