Madoka's Mistake (Summer 9)

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"You've certainly kept up with your training," Lord Leopride kept up his composure. He was out of breath from Madoka's attack. She kept the axe at his throat.

"Madoka!" Elise approached Madoka. "What the hell are you doing? Get off of him!"

"I killed you the night I destroyed the rocks," Madoka said, her voice calm. "So how is it you are here right now?"

Lord Leopride's eyes shifted in confusion.

"Let him go!"

Madoka felt the full weight of Elise crash against her body, her ax narrowly missing Leopride as she lost hold of it. No, Elise managed to knock it out of her hand away from Lord Leopride's neck. The two girls tumbled into the dirt. Madoka heard the scared thoughts of Ciara as she neighed. The horse was fearful for Madoka's safety, but was hesitant to do anything. Elise managed to restrain Madoka, but she did not offer any further resistance anyways. She instead clicked her tongue in frustration.

Her answer to her question was already there. The Leopride that attacked her was an illusion and the real one was alive. He did not seem to have any bloodlust or hidden agenda at all since he could have simply ordered her to die for her insubordination at any moment. Still, Madoka did not understand what that illusion was. Her hand still had the scar.

Elise was on top of Madoka, breathing heavily. Leopride was getting up, dusting himself off and slightly perturbed but Madoka did not care. Sunlight made the princess's face glow, skimming orange stones over the reflection of her eyes. Madoka was swallowed in the view.

"You look beautiful up there, princess," Madoka said absentmindedly, recalling that was the same line Elise used when they tumbled together trying to put out a fire she made.

"Are you back?" Elise said, with a hint of fear that Madoka might attack again. "No funny business right? Everything is okay between you and Leopride?"

Madoka's head spun as the pounding of adrenaline receded but she nodded obediently. She refused to apologize, however Lord Leopride laughed.

"Truly marvelous," he clapped. "The form of your attack. Honed. As expected, my dear."

Madoka lay there for a moment trying to regain her bearings. Elise got off of Madoka and Lord Leopride held his hand out to help her up. Madoka accepted it. She eyed him awkwardly but he held no bitter feelings.

"I have been dodging the princess's spells to keep up with my training, sir," Madoka said, recalling the princess's water spells during her training. He picked up the ax and held it up. The fading summer light glinted off its blade as he admired it. Satisfied, he handed it back to her. The axe used to be heavy. It now slung comfortably around Madoka's waist. Its weight was as light as a feather for her.

"I can tell that you've been working hard," Lord Leopride said, but grew more stern. "But you need to rest more! Your judgment and discernment of what is real will become useless. It will be your undoing. So do not neglect your rest, you understand?"

"I understand, sir," Madoka hung her head. Elise patted her shoulder.

"That's my Madoka, right there, Uncle Leo!" Elise cheered. "She's always working too hard."

"And you, princess," Lord Leopride directed his attention to the princess who seemed to shrink beneath his gaze.


"You've been working hard, too, I trust?" Lord Leopride snapped incredulously. "Look at what you are wearing. Ridiculous! And need I remind you to not go venturing out there?"

"B-But!" Elise protested. "I have her! She's a beast! You saw how she took you down from the top rope, like—"

"You work her too hard!" Leopride was having none of her nonsense.

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