Lamenting Beauty

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Chapter 11: Lamenting Beauty


"Yeah, yeah." Souta swatted at her hand, "Keep it up." He smirked, "Now, how about that explanation for Kurama here? I mean, I could hear it again."

Kagome's eyes widened as she avoided the fox demon, "Maybe another time. Like when Yusuke doesn't need to talk with Keiko about everything."

"Thanks a lot, Kagome!" He yelled as Keiko walked out, "Keiko! Wait!"

"Enjoying yourself?" Kurama asked, walking over to her.


"Good. I would like that talk now. How about we go to your Temple?"

She stared at him and nodded.


Kagome was sweeping the temple grounds when her phone went off, "Hello?"

"Hey, Kags!" She smirked Yusuke's exuberance at talking to her, "I know it's been a couple of weeks, and that we haven't talked since I woke up from the castle incident, but I've been given a video to watch by Koenma. I think it's my next assignment. Anyways, I know that you're not a Spirit Detective, technically, but I really like working with you and I thought... maybe..."

She chuckled, "Give me an hour and I'll come over to your house to watch the video with you."

"Go to Kuwabara's house. My player is busted."

"Alright. I'll be there."

"Thanks, cuz."

"You're welcome."

She hung up and stared at the steps with a sigh, thinking back to the conversation she had with Kurama.


"Here's the deal." Kagome said as they had started walking up the steps to her temple, "I can't tell you everything. There are reasons that are hard to explain, but I need you to understand that it's nothing against you."

Kurama sighed, "I understand that you and I knew each other. Quite well." He touched her arm, "I have thought about it and it is understandable not to want to tell me everything. With my work with Yusuke, if there was..." he shrugged, "something, between us, which I believe there was, it could be really confusing and cause problems between us with your cousin."

She nodded, "There was..." she smirked, "something, but you're right. I'm just worried that telling you too many details will affect how you see or think now."

"Or how you see me as I am now versus how I was then."

"Exactly." She smiled, "Okay. Basics. We met by accident. I ended up on your lands when I was looking for my friends. We became..." she hesitated, but he nodded.


"Anyways, um, I later found out that you were blood brothers with the Youkai Lord of the Western Lands."

"Wait." He held up a hand, "Sesshomaru?"

"You remember him?"

"Everyone in Makai knows him. When the barriers went up, King Yama wasn't strong enough to take him and his family on, so he created a treaty with the entire Taisho clan. Their lands were transitioned straight into Makai's western territories. A barrier would be placed around their lands that would keep the more dangerous Makai away from them, which included the Three Kings. King Yama gifted them a Golden Door, which would allow them to come and go from Makai without any problems, as long as they followed the rules. They have businesses here in the Human Realm. Billion dollar businesses."

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