The child of the Shadow

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"Get away from me!" Her voice roared through the palace halls, "Don't you fucking touch me."

She slid her body into the corner of the room. Her night dress painted a trail of blood across the floors.

The nurses scrambled around her. "Come on Theia, you have to let us help you."

She grabbed the window curtains and pulled them towards her body pushing with all her might, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." She screamed. A ginormous eruption of wind and lightning released from her body, shaking the castle walls and sending shockwaves into the night sky.

The nurses looked at her in fear, they could not believe the power they'd just witnessed.

"If we don't get that monster out of her now the whole castle is going to collapse." The maester whispered into the ear of her father.

He looked down at his daughter twisting and wailing, her body wrinkled with pain. "Cut it out of her." he snarled.

"Llanzo, it will kill her." his wife pleaded.

"Sit down Abisai, It's her or this entire family. Hasn't she shamed us enough?" he raged.

The maester looked over to the midwives who approached Theia with a knife.

"No no no no." Theia begged, "No no no Father please!" she screamed.

They held her arms, and legs down. The maester lifted her bloody garments.

Outside the doors, her siblings flinched at her pain.

"Is Theia going to die?" Cedella the youngest asked clenching onto Ajani her older brother.

Femi, the 2nd eldest bent down to Cedella's height. "Theia has done something very, very bad Ceddi, and the gods are punishing her for it."

"I don't want her to die." Cedella cried.

"If it's the gods will..."

"Femi leave her alone." Ajani shot back. "Theia is strong, she won't die."

"Theia is weak, and she is a traitor to our family. She must suffer for this."

Ajani spun around with rage, "Go to your room."

"But!" Femi protested.

"Femi don't anger me! Go to your room NOW!" he ordered.

The knife ripped through Theia's skin, she wailed with pain. Rolling in and out of consciousness over, and over again.

"I can't watch this." Llanzo stepped past his wife into the hallway to join the rest of his children.

Labor continued for the next 45 minutes. Abisai saw that the midwives were struggling to reach the baby, she pushed past them and look into her daughter's eyes.

"Theia," she spoke calmly. "If you don't stop fighting your baby is going to die."

"Please Mom, please don't take him away from me," she begged.

"Theia, the gods are going to take him back if you don't stop fighting us," Abisai whispered.

Theia took a few deep breaths and straightened her back, her mother took the knife from the midwives and continued the cut. She rolled her sleeves up dipped her hand into the womb and removed the baby.

The midwife handed her a knife and she cut the baby's umbilical cord.

Abisai grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped the crying infant, she took a dried leaf from the pocket of her dress and wrapped it within the baby's blanket. Its eyes opened looking up at her there was a bright electric current sparkling around its pupils.

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