Chapter one

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My phone alarm rang when I was under my duvet, turning a page in my book with one hand and a torch in the other.

- Oops I did it again...

Another sleepless night.  I said disappointed not to have kept my promise to myself to find a regular rhythm before my come back in university.
I close my book and put down my torch.  Bob was already lying purring on my pillow,

- I really have the cutest cat in the world.  I said while admiring my fat alley cat.

Ready to go to bed, I push Bob and immediately adopt my fetal position in bed.
Closing my eyes I join the arms of Morpheus.


3 p.m.  It's 3 p.m. when I wake up, only dressed in my candy pink underwear, and alone at home, I indulge in unlimited laziness and lazing around galore.

I am a fan of productivity in normal times, but let's say that the holidays have a great influence on my values.
   During the lessons I am Amelia, the engine of the class, I never stop.  But once on vacation I embrace the laziness and the pleasure of doing nothing.

Books are my only companions, my best friend being currently absent because being on vacation with his friends, I find myself totally alone.

Sometimes I envy Isaac.  He is totally different from me, although only 9 months younger.  Isaac is like a sun that invites everyone into its system.

  Since kindergarten, I quickly understood the difference between him and me: the first day, after an hour, the whole class was jostling to talk to him.  I don't know if it was his captivating beauty, his sunny personality or his extraordinary intelligence that appealed.  But Isaac has the power to captivate anyone in the blink of an eye.
...Unlike me... Not that I'm particularly interested in being surrounded by masks and actors with vague intentions.  But one or two girl friends with whom I can share my literary discoveries, give code names to our crushes, do our manicures together is not an unpleasant thought.

In short, all those little things that Isaac, growing up, can no longer really fill.

Me: When are you coming home?

In not even a fraction of a second, a response is being written.

Bob's uncle: Tomorrow I'll be there, I miss you u know??

I smile at the wave of energy Isaac sends me like every time I talk to him.

Me: Are you having fun?

Bob's uncle: Yes, everyone is having fun.  It would have been cooler if Thomas and Lily could be quieter, the isolation is not great there you know?

My eyebrows furrow instantly

Me: You didn't tell me there were girls in your group...

He does not respond immediately as usual.  It takes 10, 20,30....  50 seconds and finally I see the 3 small dots telling me that it is being written.

Bob's uncle: Jealous?

Eh ?

  On the most shocking moment was not his suggestion which is not even tangible, but especially the confidence of this faceless text.  Isaac isn't one to pretend to know my feelings.  Am I overreacting?

Me: Uhhhh no?  Just disappointed because it would have been a good opportunity for me to make some friends

Bob's uncle: Hmm if you say so, could I have a picture of the prettiest girl on the planet??

Me: Nah, she feels ugly today.

I'm not really one to denigrate myself, but let's admit that the combo sleepless night, reading, social networks and holidays is not the best beauty cocktail adapted for a young girl...

Bob's uncle: ...

Me: what?

Bob's uncle: Amé, there it is, the name that shows that I'm not totally alone, do you know if there are any guys who are interested in you?

Me: No need to rub salt in the wound.

   Beyond the humor, it is true that no one has ever shown me any interest.  I don't count the "I love you" or the "you're pretty today" from my dear little sun.  We have a very solid brotherly relationship, and unlike other relationships, we don't really tend to bicker but more to boost each other in terms of trust and esteem.  And I loved that dynamic.

Bob's uncle: No, Amélia seriously.

Me: Hmmm

Suddenly, I have a flash of genius going through my head!  If sir thinks that this time I'm going to give him the opportunity to tease me about my celibacy, we'll show him that anything can happen at any time!

Me: It's true that the new bookseller is very cute, we even planned to see each other tonight to talk about romance books and all.


No answer.  It was the first time I showed interest in a boy.
  There was a really nice bookseller who asked me for my number.  However, I refused and it ended there.  I feel in a teasing mood today.

Isaac has never openly shown it but I know he has a protective side of his "big sister" and doesn't want to leave her to anyone and I find that very cute.  So today why not bother him a little bit?

Me: Isaac?  You here ?

I was going to turn off my phone, but the alarm that is ringing stops me, It's time to take my shower...

I immediately get up and go to the bathroom.  Before just getting out of bed was an insurmountable ordeal, but now with a little discipline and effort, I can do it better.  I am proud of myself because I have still been able to come a long way since my depression.

Half an hour later, completely clean, I throw myself on my bed made before entering the shower and take refuge in my clean sheets and my soft clothes: the most comforting feeling in the world.

I rush to grab my phone when I hear many vibrations.

14 missed calls from Bob's Uncle.

I didn't think my little prank would have such a blatant effect, but it still amuses me to see Isaac leave 14 missed calls because his big sister is hooking up with a guy.  It looks like a Golden Retriever when I think about it and it's adorable.

Come on, it's not nice for him, so I better call him, tell him the truth.

Even before the first sound while waiting for a response on the other end of the line, Isaac answers.

- Hello ?

Who is this ?  It's a female voice and definitely not Isaac's.

- Hello ?  Hi, I'm a friend of Isaac, can you pass it to me please?

- Sure, but could you just call back in 15 minutes?  He is taking a shower.

- Okay no worries thank you!  By-

Without even having finished my sentence, she hang up on me.

" nice "

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