Sarah? Ew no!

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Context: in this story, jj and kie are together and pope with Cleo. John b isn't with Sarah yet. Big John is alive and well and jjs dad is arrested for life.

They all aged like 5 years
john b: 21
JJ: 21
pope: 20
Cleo: 20


it was a summer evening and me and the crew planned a boat trip to the marsh. I threw on some white shorts, yellow top and my iconic bandana.

my pops was in the backyard farming or some shit so I just left a note. I left the chateau and headed to the docks.

honestly our lives have been slightly normal, it feels wierd to say that because normally our lives are full of shit. But now, there were no more cops, crimes and treasure hunting.

We found el dorado a few years ago and now we all have more then we've ever had before.

so here we are, a boat trip, a week before the end of summer. the first person I went to get was good old JJ. he still lives in his old house, just a bit more renovated then before.

I pulled up to his house and saw him smoking weed. Typical j.
"yo jj! Come on dude!" I beckoned him over.
he tossed a shirt on and scurried to the 'HMS pouge.' he jumped on and we did our handshake, starting up the boat again.

we chatted and drank beer on the way to pope and Cleo but it seems that Heyward had other plans. they were both working, Cleo in the kitchen and pope on something for his job.

Yeah, even though we were all in our 20s our parents were still up our asses.

"All aboard!"
Cleo shook her head, whilst pope just laughed.
"Sorry guys, but Heyward put us to work again, gonna have to bail this time" 
jj created a static noise and pretended he was talking through a walkie talkie in response
"skhh Heyward is a pussy over skhh"

I'm pretty sure Heyward heard that because a second later he came storming towards us.
"hey I heard that you bastard!" He yelled, throwing a can off empty beer at jj.
"hey you could of threw a full one"

as jj was getting screamed at, pope and Cleo had already made their way onto the boat.
his voice fades as we head father and farther away.

Next and last stop was kie. her parents didn't particularly like us so we had to keep on the down low when we got there.
In order not to be caught, kie was already waiting on the dock, with a huge box of snacks and drinks.

she did a little sneak onto the boat and we drove off into the marsh.

"what you got there mama?" jj started.
"some juice boxes and snacks," kie replied
"did you bring my-" he added
"yes I brought your beer jayj" she sighed.

we all just laughed at the scene, we soon came to a stop and we decided to play a little game.
well I didn't necessarily agree to this game but here we are.

but let me fill you in, jj and kiara are a couple and so are pope and cleo, which leaves? Well me, I'm currently the only single one is my crew and everyone, mostly jj, like to tease me about it. (Even though I'm like super hot)

"so John b truth or dare?" Pope questioned
"let's see, truth" I replied, slightly terrified by the next question.

the crew began talking amongst themselves for about a minute before cleo asked me a question.
" so John b, are you talking to anyone, a girl perhaps?" She said, in her strong accent.

I don't know what their obsession with getting me a girlfriend is, I'm happy by myself to be honest. "no I'm not"

just the Cleo whispers something to pope, then pope to jj and finally jj to kie. They were hiding something.  "hey what are you whispering about"

jj chuckled "we all think you have the hots for Sarah Cameron" Sarah Cameron? The kook Princess absolutely! She's beautiful but she doesn't even know i exist.
"sarah? Ew no!"

but really, I did like her, but can you blame me? She's super hot, funny and smart! what more could you want?

Damn it pained me to say that.
"anywayyyy jj truth or-" I began before I was rudely cut off.
"dare" he said, all cocky
"okay, I dare you to give kie the fattest smooch right here right now" his eyes widened and his face paled. "okay, kie?" she nodded.

he brought his hands to her face and cupped her cheeks, brining his lips onto hers. they kissed for about 30 seconds before pulling away and gasping for air.
"Damn jj" pope was in awe of his ability.
"I never get this treatment pope, I expect more" Cleo complained.

"your just jealous that I can pull and you can't"
"shut it blondie"

we continued our trip for hours until the sun had fully set. kie had mentioned that her parents want her home soon started heading back.
"so cleo, do you want to have some fun tonight?" pope asked, wrapping his arm around her.
"sure "


it was late at night, probably 1 or 2 am I'm not sure. And I couldn't stop thinking about Sarah.
I've liked her since the 5th Grade but never told anyone. I also never had the courage to speak to her. but I've decided I'm going to try.

there is this memorial thing for ward tommorow night at her place, the whole island is invited, and we have to come now because ever since we found el darado, we are seen as kooks, but we don't want to be kooks, we are still pouges, forever.
I would take the whole crew but only jj and kie can come since popes parents are up his and Cleo's ass.

I'm going to ask her at the memorial, It's my only chance so I'm going to take it. Thoughts were spiralling in my head as I tried falling asleep but I couldn't. Just as I got the slightest bit sleeping I heard something from dads room.

I arose from my bed and creeped over to his room, placing my ear against his door.
"You know I can't do that mary, it's fine, I'll see you tomorrow" dad was on the phone, with someone called mary? The line disconnected and dad puts the phone down on the table.

what was that all about?


Narrator POV

After hearing big johns phone call john b couldn't help but wonder who Mary was?
he spent all night tossing and turning not being able to take his mind off of it.
until finally he focused his mind on something and let his eyes relax as he drifted off into slumber.


That's the first chapter done!
this story is going to get a lot crazier btw.
also sarah isn't dating topper rn she's single.

Words: 1133

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