Part 16

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Marquis POV

I watched Nyla as she disappeared into the crowd of the party. As she did so did I. When I was saying wassup to some people I noticed one of my old hoes invited herself to the party. She was wearing some revealing ass clothes just so she could get my attention. I ignored her, for the fact that me and Nyla are official, no matter what she says, and also because we fucked for the first time today.

Some people who I've never seen before were here, so that was my Q to be extra cautious. Even though Nyla couldn't tell, my eyes were on her at all times. I seen her saying hi to a couple of dudes, she knew keep it on the playground. They weren't even her type anyways. But I noticed she talked to this unfamiliar guy a little longer than all the rest...seemed like they knew each other to me.

I made my way over there to see what they were talking about. When he seen me coming he mouthed the words "change the subject" I found that shit weird. What was being talked about that now needed to stop since I was nearby?. "Yo" I said while lightly putting my hand on Nyla's lower back. "Wassup man nice party, just came over here to greet Nyla telling her welcome back and shit ykyk" he replied. "Cool cool cool...shea catch you later doe some people over there were looking for her" I said telling a lie. When he walked away I asked Nyla did she know him. "Oh no I don't he was just asking me where I was, since this was a welcome home party" she said. "And what you tell him." I replied. "That I was in New Mexico for business..I honestly didn't even know what I was talking about." She said. I looked at her with no expression. Considering that she just told a lie, her playing with her nails proved it. "I have to use the bathroom be right back" she said. I didn't say anything. I just let her walk off. I'll be sure to know what was said before she goes to bed tonight.

Jacey pov

I've been in Atlanta for a few weeks with no lead on finding Nyla. Don wanted me to find her by any means, and if I don't I wasn't to even consider coming back to Chicago. I went everywhere, clubs, malls, restaurants, fancy gatherings, and non of them pointed me to Nyla. That is until yesterday when I went to a club and found one of 5iftey potna's, who owns a club, inviting everyone to a house party for tomorrow.

I got the address and definitely was eager to get into that party. I called Don, telling him I might have a lead and that I'll call him back tomorrow about it. Right when 8 o'clock hit, I put a suit on, made sure I looked sharp, and went out the door. As I arrived to the party it was a little pact, but not as pact as a club. I gave fake smiles and hugs to blend in because the place was crawling with 5iftey's people. I've been at the party for about an hour and I was soon loosing hope in finding her here. That is until I seen her greeting people and giving fake smiles. She looked uncomfortable. As I walked up to her I said "heyyy" in a friendly way and gave her a hug. As I was doing that I whispered "Don has been looking for you" in her ear. She pulled back and looked at me like she had seen a ghost.

"Don't lie to me. He's alive?" She asked. "Yea why would you think he was dead" I replied. "Because 5iftey told me that he was dead...wh-what's going on who are you did he send you to get me?" She said. "Don't let that nigga fill yo head up, and yea he sent me to find you. But you can't come home today you gotta play it off. As soon as I tell Don where you are you can expect to me home sometime soon." I replied. "Omg yes tell him come get me, where is he, can I speak to him?" She asked. Before I got a chance to speak I seen 5iftey coming from the corner of my eye. "Change the subject" I told Nyla.

He had came up and excused her from the convo saying that some people wanted to see her and say hi. I guess that nigga limited how long she can talk to people, I told myself. Since I found what I was looking for, and the job was done, I got out of there as soon as possible before anyone got suspicious. In my car I called up Don and told him everything. He said he would make up a plan by tmr and he can have her home. And to stay put just in case 5iftey takes her someplace else.

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