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Minji's POV

I finally got into my dream University with half-scholarship

And I have decided to major in programming and to keep graphic designing as my minor

There is just one problem

Dorms. If all of them are booked already then..I would have to rent an apartment it will have all sorts of bills

Electric..water.. maintenance..

So i have decided to go to the dorm head to ask her personally and to negotiate with her

"Um..hello..?" I open the cabin door

"Ah..your minji right..?" A women in her late 30s was sitting on her chair

"Yes, I am...i want to stay in these dorms" i politely give a bow

"There is one spot left but no one really wants to take it.."

"I'll take that spot!!" I hurriedly say

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes I'm sure!!"

After she showed me the way to the dorms

She stopped me..

"There is a another girl that live..and she is known to be hyperactive..but I hope you both can get along"

"I will try my best! Thank you!"

I quickly open the door and close it

I sigh and sit on the entrance as I look around

That's when i see a drop of blood..i walk towards it

"Its definitely blood..wait why are there so many drops of blood..?"

I end up following the trail which ends at the bathroom..

" I hope no one is turning into a zombie.."

I knock on the door since it was locked

I hear shower turning on and off and the door at last unlocking and i meet a small little face peeking out

"What are you doing here..?" With a barely audible voice

"I'm your new dorm mate!" I try saying in an excited tone

"Well you won't like it here.."

"Its not like i choose to be here.."

"Can you go to the kitchen?"


I turn around and go to the kitchen..after a while i feel tap on my shoulder and i see rather shorter girl

"I'm hanni..I'm a freshman.."

"I'm Minji...I am also a freshman..its nice meeting you.." I extend my hand for a hand shake

Which was rejected..?

"Rather than that let's see how long you will last.." with a rather undistinguished smirk

She turns and leaves me in the kitchen

But I did not mind it and so I started to unpack and organize

That's when hanni started to sing while she's jumping here and there

Rather than been annoyed..

It was soothing

When she got tired and stopped

"Your singing is like honey it just flows-"

"You don't need to act like that"

"But I'm giving an honest compliment..!" It was unusual for people to get mad when they receive compliments

Maybe she is a bit different..?

Days pass by...

And I notice these mood swings of my dear roommate

She's happy and energetic during lunch and dinner time

And then says that she is tired after it and if I disturb her. She gets mad at me

A lot of time she just seems out of it and spaced out

And I wonder if I could help her...

And I wonder if I could help her

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Back there will be daerin btw.. UwU

543 words

Dorm // Bbangsaz // New jeansWhere stories live. Discover now