Amour Mortel Deadly Love

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In 1270 b.d King Lawyrs crossed the river Styx and invaded Hell. The rich soil was good for farming and the woods in the North produced lots of meat and other food for his tribe. They crossed over from Tartarus, a firery wasteland. Food was scarce and his wife was with child.
Using an Orb of opposites; a form of dark magic that reversed reality, he turned all the natives that called themselves Sixes, into Shades and forced them out of Hell and into Purgatory; what is now the city of Discord.
Purgatory was a muddy wasteland. All the trees were bare and the grass grew dead. There was no river nearby or any they had access to. They were given no homes, no food or clean water and their were only mice and other small game to hunt.

Three years later, his wife Astaroth gave birth to a second set of twins. She named them Deagon and Dahlia. Their brothers, also twins, Vepar and Zepar were seven years older. Dahlia, the youngest was the only princess.

When the younger royal children were old enough to know about the Sixes and how they were the true natives of Hell. The two oldest royal children proposed to free as many Sixes as they could. They were there when their father invaded and it traumatized them. They didn't agree with their father's actions most of the time.

After bribing some palace Sifts to safely take them across the river into Purgatory they took as many Shades that could fit in the chariots they brought. Not all could be saved in the escape, but the ones they did save, the siblings returned their grace, took them up to the Hell forest and promised them royal protection. The others were told to wait and their freedom would come.
Fresh food and water would be sent to the small tribe and they were allowed to hunt in the forest. The tribe occupied the North plains of Heaven just and the Ivory palace was built for them. King Lawrys never found out.

Further up north, Andonyis and the angels occupied the Ivory mountains and lived in the White keep, a castle built into the mountain. The angels were strong warriors that devoted their life to Andonyis and together they were a cult like tribe. As the tribe grew and more children were born, Andonyis was forced to move South in search of new land to expand his power and build a new kingdom. Being their leader, Andonyis was also the father of many of the children in the tribe. Many of the women and men were married but on their wedding night, it was traditional that Andonyis had his way with the bride first. The warriors still were happy to oblige. Andonyis was their God.

In 1299 (b.d) Andonyis led his angels down the mountainside and into the plains of Heaven. Word got to the Sixes that the Warriors was coming, thanks to royal protection and they sent the demon sifts to warn the Prince's and princess that they needed help if the angels attacked.
When they got word, the royals took a small army of demon warriors; strong giants that were skilled in fighting and could fly, to the plains in aid of the attack.
Andonyis showed up with his entire angel army and the demons were outnumbered. Andonyis hadn't planned on any other tribes occupying his coveted land but he was ready to fight for it. The battle was bloody.
The royals and their army were forced to retreat back to Hell when Dahlia was captured by Andonyis. He took his prize and headed back to the mountains. The Sixes were dead and the land was theirs.

Back home in Hell, the princes were forced to tell
the King and Queen what had happened to the princess. Their story was that they were out riding horses and were attacked by the Accai.
Lawyrs was outraged and he took his whole army of 100,000 demons and he called all the witches, warlocks and oracles and he marched to the White keep and demanded his daughter back or he would attack. Andonyis sent Dahlia out under a spell. She appeared as a demon, Lokatos princess. She walked up to her father and family and they embraced her.

"Thank the Old Gods" he cried. Lawyrs had an evil and power hungry heart towards the world and a soft one for his wife and family.
The spell quickly wore off and Dahlia turned back to her angel form. Her mother, father and brothers were shocked to see her in another form. King Lawyrs was furious at what Andonyis had done. He was ready for his demons to attack but Dahlia, under Andonyis' control with the help of another spell, pulled out a small dagger and stabbed her father in his heart.

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