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TW: Hitting, Abuse, Alcohol, Selfharm, crying, cheating? murder- blood L idk if i missed any-

Skeppy was sitting on the couch waiting for Bad to come home. He was worried sick but knew he was probably just cheating on him again. He didn't know why he decides to stay with Bad after everything that happened. He hated how everything turned out. They used to be happy but now Bad was nothing but manipulative and toxic. He never would have guessed something so sadistic could be hidden behind someone who always acted so sweet and kind. The small male tried to shake the bad thoughts away as he heard the front door open. He walked over quickly to see a completely wasted bad Infront of him. 

"Bad? Where were you?" He asked in a sadden yet hesitant tone as if he knew the answer well to well. He smelled like Cigarettes, rum and sex. "It doesn't FUCKING matter where I was. Now make me something to eat before i smack your useless body against the glass table." Bad answered him in a harsh tone while shoving him to the side to lay on the couch, yelling at him to Hurry up. So Skeppy went to the kitchen to make bad something to eat. He himself hasn't eaten at all today knowing better to starve then be called fat again. He took a deep breath and shackily took a plate out of the cabinet and made him some french toast and gave it to Bad with a bottle of water to hopefully sober him up a little. He wished he could just dissapear from this relation ship, return to Florida and forget Bad ever existed. He wished he would have listened to Vincent. He wished he could rewind time. He wished- Oh it was hopeless to wish Skeppy lost hope a long time ago. Wishing was just as useless as he was himself. Once bad told him to Fuck off he went to his room and locked the door shackily sitting on his bed. He didn't know why the world weanted him to suffer. He felt so selfish for thinking that he had it bad, knowing how bad some people really have it.

He just wished Bad could be like he always pretended to be before they moved together. He layed down and stared at his scarred arms. He had some freshly made lines from this morning already slowly fade away. His sides hurt from scratching them and his legs hurt from standing so long with no energy inhim whatsoever. He sat up and grabbed his phone. He remembered the day bad first started laying his hands on him. It was the second day oof them living together. He wanted to record a video yet bad had other plans with him. When he refused bad took it to violence and ever since that day everything was different. He couldn't even call Vincent for help. He blocked him a long time ago. Bad threatened to kill him if he went to the Police or get help. But at this point he didn't care anymore if he was alive or not. 

So, Skeppy called the police. He explained everything that happened to him in the past year, the hitting, the threats, the abuse, cheating everything. He was about to say his address when bad shot the door open with his loaded gun he always had on him. "You fffffucking IDiOT really SNITCHED on ME!?" Bad was outraged and pissed from what he heard skeppy say to the police. He grabbed Skeppy Phone and smashed it on the ground before grabbing him by the neck harshly and bashing his head into the ground "Useless cunt! YOu will Pay fot this!" he kicked him in the sides making skeppy roll up in pain. Not daring to let out any sound. HE was in so much pain. He prepared himself for another hit but- he started hearing a loud ringing in his ears. His stomach felt...warm. It was getting hazy as time slowed down for him. He looked at his hands that were previously holding his stomach and saw the amount of blood that was gushing ou tof his insides. He looked up at the man he used to love. Oh how he used to adore the face that looked at him with disgust and hatred. He smiled a little thinking back of the times they were laughing together in a call. The times he used to say Language, help him with his problems. The times he used to say I love you to the now dying man. 

He closed his eyes and never opened them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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