Cuddles (PureCacao, 🌸Fluff🌸)

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-Contains a Small Mention of Divorce/a Past Relationship

"Why?" Dark Cacao Cookie asked, staring at Pure Vanilla with a blank stare.

"Because, " Vanilla replied. "I can't help it. It's not my fault, Cacao. You know that. "

"Of course I do. I'm just worried about you, and you know that as well. " Vanilla didn't meet Cacao's eyes, but it was pretty obvious he heard what he had said. And Cacao had a pretty big reason to worry. Vanilla is starting to become more distant, and it's not just because they haven't seen each other in a while and live hundreds of miles apart. Though, Cacao could not exactly point out a specific reason why, he could tell it involved White Lily Cookie. Vanilla had never said anything about her out loud to him, he could just tell by the way he stared at her. Those confused, almost dirty looks. White Lily had been trying to get Vanilla's attention and keep him occupied and away from Cacao as much as possible, and Dark Cacao was not going to have that. He was not going to have that. Him and Vanilla have been married for a
while now, was Lily trying to get him back even after their divorce? Cacao hoped that wasn't the case, but it seemed most likely.

"If anything happens to you, it she tries to do anything, tell me. I will take care of it. " Cacao said, pulling Vanilla into his chest gently. "I'll be fine, Cacao. I am perfectly capable of defending myself. " Vanilla gave in to Cacao touch, resting his head on the top ridge of his pectorals. He felt Cacao's hand start caressing the back of his head, his fingers undoing any knots that may be tangled in his short hair. It was comforting to Vanilla. He almost fell asleep but quickly caught himself beforehand.

"Sleep? " Cacao asked, as he clearly saw Vanilla catch himself.

"A little, yeah.. "

Without thinking, Cacao picked Vanilla up and held him like a child. Vanilla wrapped his arms around Cacao's neck, testing his forehead on his shoulder. Embracing the moment, he didn't even notice they were moving, slightly startled when he did. He heard Cacao chuckle at his small jolt, making him blush a little. Cacao's laugh was precious, even if it was just a chuckle. It was a rare thing to hear him do, and it was sweet. So surprising sweet for such a bitter cookie.

They eventually got to Vanilla's corridors, and Cacao opened the door and let him and Vanilla in, closing it behind him and locking it to prevent any maids or servants from disturbing them. He set Vanilla on the bed gently, taking off the cloth and pieces that held his soul jam and setting them on the nightstand so that he could sleep comfortably. Cacao began taking off his armor, setting each piece down carefully in front of the bed. He noticed Vanilla had already made himself comfy, having the comforter pulled over himself. He watched Cacao intently, waiting patiently for his husband to get into bed with him. Eventually, Cacao crawled under the covers, the bed shifting and creaking a life to accommodate for the weight. Vanilla almost immediately pulled him into a hug, once again resting his head on the top of his pectorals.

"Took you long enough.. " Vanilla mumbled, but Cacao half-ignored the comment and instead decides on Vanilla's actions rather than his words. He saw Vanilla had hooked his leg around his hips, possibly to keep him from going anywhere. Cacao could easily wiggle out of his grip I'd he wanted too, but he had no reason to do so. Though Vanilla's grip was tight, it was a lovely feeling to have his beloved husband wrap his arms (and leg) like that around him...

He then realized that Vanilla had fallen asleep already and planted a kiss to the top of his head. "Sleep well, dear. I'll be here when you wake up, " Cacao said as he rested his cheek on top of Vanilla's head, letting sleep claim him as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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