Team Natsu

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{Your POV}

Lucy walks by my side as we head to the guild. Today is going to be my first day on a mission. Lucy said that I could join team Natsu so I'm excited. Hopefully this job won't be to much of a hassle since it's only my first day.

"You know I still can't believe that I'm in fairytail." I say looking at the guild hall coming into view.

"I know how you feel, when I first joined fairytail I didn't know anyone at all." Lucy looked at the guild with a smile. " But now everyone is my family."

We smiled to each other as we pushed open the guild hall doors. The guild was almost as busy as yesterday and the Mission Board was filled with jobs.

Lucy lead me over to the new group I would be working with.

It has an S-Class wizard named Erza Scarlet, An ice mage named Gray Fullbuster, a sky dragon slayer named Wendy Marvel, a fire dragon slayer named Natsu Dragneel, and finally the celestial wizard Lucy. The new member is me, (y/n) (l/n) the (magictype) wizard.

"It'll be a pleasure working with you guys from now on." I say bowing my head to them.everyone giggles and Erza says " I hope so too." she gives me a toothy grin as I shoot up unable to contain my excitement.

All of us head over to the Mission Board and scan the jobs for a good one. No one could decide so I suggested one, " How about this one?" I pointed towards a Job about cleaning up after a battle in a near by town.

"Sure! I'm up for it." Lucy says. She looks over to everyone else.

"Well since we should take it easy I guess this will do." Erza says pondering the job.

Natsu sighs and slumps over. " I wanted to fight today." he whines as Happy floats around him.

"Come on, you shouldn't mind taking a break." Grays says then looks at me and winks. I look down heat rising to my face.

"No time to wait! Come on lets go!" Lucy runs towards the door as I follow behind. Erza grabs Natsu and Gray by the wrists and runs after us.

{time skip brought to you by happy's fish}

After we step off the train everyone heads towards the site of the wreckage. Everyone seems pretty calm except for me. Even if Natsu is still sick from the train he seems less anxious than me.

I was nervous about my first job and whether the team would like me or if I would mess up.

"Here we are!" Erza looks up shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand.

I look up from my hands to widen my eyes in surprise. The site was a mess. Pieces of buildings were scattered everywhere and documents littered the ground. According to the job sheet a house was destroyed from a magic

accident when someone was practicing Take Over Magic. Two people ran over to great us.

"thank you so much for coming." a boy at about 11 says. He was wearing a messy white shirt with brown pants. His eyes were a warm shade of yellow and his hair was a cool shade of black. A smaller boy was holding on the the edge of his shirt. He has the same bright gold eyes but he has silver hair. He clutched a mangled teddy bear in his free hand.

"We didn't really expect someone to actually come!" He scratches the back of his head " We have the money right here!" He digs into his back pocket pulling out a small black bag. He opened the bag to reveal the promised 10,000 jewels.

" All...all we need for you to clean it up." The small boy speaks staring at the ground while talking.

" No problem!" Lucy says spreading her smile onto the boy's faces.

{Sorry for the kind of stupid chapter I just wanted to get it out I guess..I'll be starting a new story soon, hope you enjoy}

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