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It had been two weeks since Fizz was back with Ozzie and he was finally given a moment alone. Between catching up, taking through feelings, and deciding if he wanted to be interviewed on why he hid who he was to try and save his reputation, it left him little time to try and reconnect with the IMP gang after being saved.

He was finally able to get a new phone set up he knew he needed to get back in contact with Blitzo.

Fizz took a deep breath before reaching for his phone on the side table and clicked on messages. He wrote something out, but after staring at it for a minute deleted it and typed something else out again. He does this a few more times before finally figuring out something to say and hitting send.


What do you want

I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
I was the one that ruined our relationship years ago, and embarrassed you time and time again.
You were nice enough to take me in after the news got out of me being an imp, and was willing to take me in even after all that. Then when I tried to help with a mission we got caught and had to be saved. I didn't know any of that was going to happen.


Fizz sighed and let's go of his phone. He pulls a pillow into his arms, hugging it close to his chest.

Was it his fault? He knew what the risk was hiding that he was an imp. He knew the risk of lying to Ozzie and not saying anything before leaving once it was all revealed. He knew the risk of asking Blitz for help after all he did to him throughout the years. Things where unsure for a while but when things were finally looking up it all came crashing down as soon as he wanted to help.

He hears a faint buzz. Reaching for his phone he turns it to the side and sees a message.

I forgive you. But your on thin fucking ice.

The imp smiles before quickly typing a response back.

Thsnk you. Thank tou so much!!
Do you wanna meet up again soon? It'd be nice to talk without the pressure of hiding from royalty.

The two began planning to meet up. Fizz's future was starting to look brighter.

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