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Today was the day that Brylee would finally be reunited with the Hughes family. She was beyond excited, but also nervous. She had obviously followed the other Hughes boys careers and was more than proud of them, but what if they end up not liking her now. She had changed, she wasn't the same nerdy fourteen year old who had braces and obsessed over 5 Seconds of Summer anymore. Actually the last part is only partly true, who could fall out of love with Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton? 

"Are you excited?" Luke asked. They were currently cuddled up in Luke's bed. 

"Yeah, a little nervous, but mostly excited" Brylee said. Luke ran his hands through her hair. SHe closed her eyes and hummed in content. 

"They already love you" Luke says while pressing a tender kiss on her forehead. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about" 

"I know" She whispers while peering up at him. Luke smiles at her brightly. 

"What?" She asks while slightly giggling. 

"I'm just really happy" Luke expresses. Brylee smiled back at him. She pressed her lips against his softly. 

"I am too" She replies slightly biting her lip. Luke brings a hand up to Brylee's face and ghosts his fingers across her jawline. An unexpected shiver runs down Brylee's back at Luke's touch. He chuckles at her reaction and Brylee hides her face in Luke's chest in embarrassment. 

"Stop laughing" She groans. 

"You don't have to be embarrassed" Luke cooes while jokingly poking her sides. Giggles erupt from her mouth and she slaps his hands away from her. 

"Still ticklish" Luke smirks. 

"No fucking shit" Brylee says while trying to get her breath back. Luke puts his hands up in mock surrender. 

"Sorry, it was an observation" Luke laughs. Brylee sarcastically smiles at him. Luke pulls her closer by her waist and kisses her. 

"We have to get up soon" Luke says once he pulls away. 

"I don't wanna" Brylee complains. "It's comfortable" 

"I know, but I have a game and my family is coming" Luke says. 

"I'll get out of bed for Ellen" Brylee huffs causing Luke to laugh at her. 



Brylee and Addy were sitting in the stands at the Yost, waiting for the game to start. 

"So, you and Mark?" Brylee asks while nudging Addy in the side. Addy blushes. 

"We're not official yet, but we're definitely something" Addy explained. 

"Yeah, I saw" Brylee laughed. Addy's blush deepened and she playfully hit her friend on the shoulder. 

"Brylee?!" A voice that she recognized yelled. She turned to see the whole Hughes family, minus Luke, standing behind her. She smiled at them. 

"Hey guys" She greeted excitedly. 

"Don't be a stranger" Ellen says while pulling her into a hug. Brylee hugged her back. Ellen pulled away and looked at her. 

"You're so pretty" She complimented. 

"Thank you, Ellen. You look stunning" Brylee replied. 

"Okay, Mom, I want a hug too" Jack says pulling Ellen away from Brylee. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐝 - Luke HughesWhere stories live. Discover now