Himagiri I:- Robbers' Rule

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Characters:- Rajeev Prasad, AgniVeer, Devanand (Dev), GyanVeer, Gyandev, Villa, Veera Kumar, Mohan, Vinash, Vishwanaam (Vishu), Rajachandra and Vidya.

This was the period when the invention of guns did not took place all over the world. Mostly, swords were used in the wars or by the criminals. Guns and rifles were available in limited quantity. In India, this was the period when the trading with Britishers were just started.

A group of robbers had captured the whole village- Himagiri. The name Himagiri derived from the mountain Himalayan. There was a leader of the village or called Sarpanch. His name was Gyanveer who had become the puppet of the robbers. His job was to giving every information about the village or information about any revolt against robbers to them. A robber named - Villa controlled the whole robbers group. He was called 'Daaku' by the villagers but called 'Sardaar' by his teammates. They used to collect money, agricultural products, milk products, and more as in the form of taxes. But if they refused to give it due to economical problems or any other disability, so they killed any one member of the family or occupied their agricultural land or their house. This village was on the edge of the mountains. Therefore, this village was not come under any ruler. Villa, the boss of robbers lived a very luxurious life in the village. He had occupied the house of a rich family for himself. Some villagers were forced to serve him like a ruler. In addition, he had converted a house into jail as well for the people who protest against him or speak against him.
In the village, a small family lived in a hut. In the family, an old man named - Rajeev Prasad lived with his grandson - Devanand and his daughter-in-law Vidya. Devanand was called Dev in his house. They were not poor from their birth. Their house had seized by the robber - Villa. In which house he was living is theirs. Dev's father - Agniveer Prasad was in jail now as he did a revolt against Villa. Now, Rajeev Prasad earned for the family by farming as Dev was only 11 years old.
One day, in the evening, a popular robber named - Mohan came at the Rajeev Prasad's house for collecting tax. He asked Rajeev for a very high amount of money. Rajeev denied to give him the tax as it was very high. So, Mohan took his grandson with him to the Villa's palace. After two days, Rajeev paid the fine by selling off certain piece of his farm. Then, Mohan freed his grandson. After this incident, Dev had several questions in his mind. In an afternoon, when Rajeev was returning from his farm, Dev put up his questions in front of him. He asked his first question, " Why those people collect taxes from us? " Rajeev asked him to put this question after finishing the lunch. Then after finishing their lunch, Rajeev answered him, " Dev, listen. Actually collecting tax is not a bad thing. But the ruler should use that tax in the development of the village, in the protection of village from the robbers and many more things. But when a robber becomes the ruler then he will not use that money in the development. Likewise, the ruler of our village is a robber who use these taxes collected by us for his own comfortable life and in feeding his teammates or called robbers. They are just looting us and feeding themselves." Now, new questions came in his mind, " Why are we following their rules? How they captured us? Who is responsible for this condition? " Then in a rude voice, Grandpa Rajeev spoke," Because of the selfish Sarpanch, Gyanveer who neither has the Gyan nor is the Veer." Then Dev asked, "What he did? Please tell me the whole story." Grandpa spoke," It was the time when your father was 16 years old. And I was also not old. One night when I was present at my field for watching the peasants who were working at my field. I listened a shouting noise coming from the corner part of the village. Then I went there to check what had happened. When I reached there, I saw a woman with his children was crying loudly. A huge crowd was also scattered there. I asked from a man about the incident. He told me that the robbers robbed their house and killed his husband. I was shocked. Then next day, a Panchayat was held to discuss on this topic. Your father was also present there with me. People asked the Sarpanch Gyanveer to take some action on safety of the village from robbers. Instead of taking action, he gave an excuse for the robbing last night. He said that in the village, that house was at the corner which was a reason for the incident. At last he gave a speech to stay aware from the robbers. After that Panchayat, several robbing cases came out. But the Sarpanch never took a serious action like appointing a guard in the village or asking help from a ruler. Then the time came when robbers invaded the whole village. We were the most richest family in the village. So, the robber Villa captured our house and almost all the farms. Your father was the first person who did a revolt against the robbers with a small group of the Himagiri village. But the cruel Villa locked him in the jail with the people who were supporting him. Now the Gyanveer is serving the robbers as a servant." Then the Dev said," Grandpa, we also should do a revolt against them." Granpa replied," No, my son. We couldn't do it. Now they had the fully control on the Himagiri. We only can hope for the best future." Then Dev spoke," By hoping the best future, the future cannot become best. We have to do best in present to make the future best." This line shocked the Rajeev as Dev was only 11 years old but his thought was not of a child.

Years went on, the young boy has become the young man. Now, Dev was 19 years old. His Grandpa was not capable of doing work at the field. Dev earned for his family. But sadly, his mother Vidya had passed away. She had the wish to see Dev's father one time but the wish was only the wish. That wish couldn't completed. But Dev has took a pledge to freed his father from robbers' jail. He has made some friends for taking revenge from the robbers. In the group, rather than Dev, two had the same feeling which Dev had. The feeling to get freedom from the Villa and releasing all the prisoners.
One day, a robber came at the Dev's house for collecting tax. The same robber who had came eight years ago. He asked Dev for the tax. But that day, Dev was not in a mood to give any tax as he remembered that eight years old incident. He denied to Mohan for giving tax today. He said him to come after a week. But Mohan moving ahead to his Grandpa for taking him to the jail in order to not giving the tax. But today Dev showed him the definition of 'a cruel tax'. He broke his one arm and ordered him go back. But Mohan did not followed his order and spoke, " You have dare to break my arm. For this you have to come with me. Then my teammates will tell you the result of breaking my arm and a law of not giving tax." Dev replied him," You forgot that you have another arm which could be break if you had not moved away from this house. And one more thing, a neck also could break." Then he returned to Villa's house. There, he complained of Dev's behavior towards him. Villa spoke to him," I can understand. Now you had become old. You couldn't collect taxes from the people. One thing you could is living locked in the prison." Then, Villa gave an order to arrest that boy at any cost. And he appointed another robber named- Vishwanaam. In short, he was called Vishu. He was appointed to collect taxes from the people. After it, he called Gyandev (new Sarpanch of the village/son of Gyanveer) for discussing about Devanand.
On the other side, Dev had understood that till now the orders for arresting him were given. So, he sent his grandfather to his one friend's house for his safety. He called out a meeting of his group for discussing to do a revolt. They called the group by the name 'Giri Kul'. One member named Veera said," We should attack directly on the palace. Once we killed their Villa, we would easily get freedom from the robbers." Everyone liked the plan but they added something extra in it. Within a minutes, they all left for the plan with a knife in every person's hand.

In the whole village, the robbers were finding the Devanand for his arrest. At the palace, the group Giri started killing all the robbers one by one who were appointed at the palace as security guards. When the group went into the room of Villa, they found that Villa was already died. They were shocked by seeing it. Then Dev went near to the Villa and started checking him to get sure of his death. When he get sure about his death, he turned his face to his members to tell them but he saw that they were arrested by the robbers. And after arresting of Dev, Villa's son named - Vinash entered the room and spoke," You all had killed my father. But I will not let you all six alive. You all will be die." Then Vinash sent them to the jail. They were given the date of their death day which was after two weeks. As there was only a jail, so they met all other prisoners there. Dev also met his father- Agniveer. Likewise, Dev's friend - Veera Kumar met his father and one more friend- Rajachandra met his father. In the jail, they all discuss on every topic which they had missed in those past years. They were also planning for something. But they were confused about the death of Villa.

Part 1 is Over!!
But several questions!!
Who killed the Villa?
Dev's next step??
Vinash's next ruler?
And more!!

Part 2 will come soon.

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