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Evan's pov

Mike wanted me to go to the pizza plex for a report on what happened to the glamrock's. When he got there he gave me a bubble of keys and told me not to lose any of them.

As Mike drove away I opened the door and standing there was a boy with brown hair  orange eyes and a blue and white shirt he asked what I was doing here and walked closer to me I backed up because I don't like people.

I said I was here to do a report on how the place was doing since it shut down and sued him why he was here he said he got stuck here and couldn't leave and asked what my name was I said to was evan rose he said it was a cool name and his name was Gregory Glamrock.

I asked how his last name was Glamrock he said his dad was Glamrock Freddy I said nice name and went to go explore the place because I was bored and didn't want to talk to that weird kid named Gregory.

Nobody's pov

As evan went to explore Gregory went to Freddy's room to take a nap but then he heard evan scream "what in the flood hell was that" and gregory started laughing felly hard until evan came out of nowhere and said to stop laughing before  he not be able to breathe....

Clifhanger how nice love you all and thank you so much for the vows on fire king it means a lot

_--_--fortnite kill

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