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Its been two days taekook came back to Red moon pack because of jungkook's heavy work schedule.

Taetae was sad not only because he was missing his parents but because of his husband who was now busy in God knows how many works. He can't able to give proper time care taetae wants from his husband.

Right now he was laying on his stomach sulking doing mathematical equations assigned by his husband.

"Meanie." He pout holding the pencil. The equations were very difficult for him. 

"Ahh I can't solve it." He whined rolling on the bed.

Suddenly an evil idea hit him. He smirked cutely and secretly went to jungkook's closet where he hide his maths notes. However there was no one in the room but still he have jungkook's fear.

He gulped when he found the notes.

"No taetae its bad, good boys can't cheat." He whispered to himself and was about to place them again but his heart wasn't willing to do so.

"I will place them again after glancing a little, yeah It's not a big deal." He giggle and was about to open the notes suddenly he heared someone's foot steps.

He gulped with fear and hurriedly placed the notes back into their exact place and ran towards the bed in the speed of light.

The door opened revealing jimin.

(Yes he is here because his delivery is near and no one cares more than your actual mother in these days.)

"Jimin you?" Taetae glared at him placing his hand on his fast beating heart.

"Yes me, Why Can't I come to my brother's room?"

Taehyung sighed in relief.

"Thank God it was not kookie." He mumbled to himself with a deep sigh.

"Why are you here? I mean any specific reason?" Taetae asked clueless.

"Oh yess I want to show you something come with mee." Jimini said excitedly while dragging him.

"Ahh noo I have to complete these problems otherwise kookie will be mad at me." Taetae panicked.

"Aish leave this I will take care of that."


"Come na."

"Promish na you will save me from him." He said extending his pinky looking at him with doe eyes.

"Yes I will, Come lets goo." Jimin dragged him along.
"Aww this is shoo cute." Taetae said giggling looking at the baby clothes.

"You like it."

Taetae nodded.

"Look at these, they are more cute." Jimin said showing him other clothes.

"I can't beleive once I was also this tiny." Taetae said wondering about his childhood.

Jimin chuckled at his cuteness.

Taetae flashed his boxy smile and caressed jimin's baby bump.

"Baby are you there? Come out fast your Uncle taetae is so excited to meet you." He said to his baby bump.

"I can't wait to play with him. I will tell him how idiot his dada is and how he tease taetae." Taetae said pouting.

"Jimini I will make your kids against yoongi hyungie, and will eat their all choclates and sweets like devil uncles in k-dramas." He told him smirking cutely.

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