Chapter 11 leaving

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I woke up because the sunrise was hitting my face and it's already Sunday in the morning. I'm going downstairs to eat my breakfast but before i go i fix my self, brush my hair even my teeth.

-Skip time-

I go downstairs while greeting our maid's they also great me back. Until i already arrived at the kitchen the first thing i saw was my parents who is sitting i guess they waited me or us? But where's lucas? Is he wake up now?

"Good morning dear"

Mom great me with the smile on her face even dad he also great me and i hug them both.

"Good morning mom and dad is lucas already wake up?"

"He still didn't woke up dear i will tell flora to wake him up now so all of us can eat our breakfast"

"Ok mom"

Mom called nana and told her to wake lucas up and after that we wait like a second or 1 minutes he was taking so long. Like dude I'm hungry can you just wake up and go here at the kitchen. While we're waiting something embarrasses happen, my tummy just rumble like a hungry baluta.

Oh no did mom and dad just gear that because they look at me, dad got chuckle.

"Kelsie just eat your breakfast now i can here your tummy rumbling"

"Later dad let's just wait lucas"

Yeah I don't wanna eat breakfast when they aren't eating. Now lucas arrived all of us are looking at him why? He got a puffy eyes, did he cry last night?

"Son are you ok?"

"Yes dad I'm ok"

Mom look at him with one eyebrow lifting up i think he saw lucas puffy eyes. And ask if he cry but he was just saying, he even change the topic.

"Don't mind me let's just eat"

Well yeah we should eat because I'm hungry waiting for you i even control them even though I'm super hungry.

"Ok because your sister is hungry waiting for you"

"Next time don't wait for me just eat your own"

What a cold jerk is my brother i guess he was back to normal. We stayed quiet but our parents broke that.

"Kelsie, lucas we have to tell you something"

Dad call us and he got my attention also lucas who is still eating.

"Don't be shock of what I'm going to say ok?"

"Hmm" i respond to him

"So me and your mother are going to canada to fix the problem, because our company is running low and both of us need to make it successful again."

I got choke so i drink water eh? We have another company in canada because that's what i heard lucas was just stayed calm like it was normal.

"So what will happen in our company here dad?"

"Both of you will handle"

Now lucas was surprised and look with dad a big eyes.


"You heard me son"

"No you cannot dad, you know that i hate handling our company"

"Its just for a month"

Lucas stand up on his sit and start shouting i just stayed quiet because i don't want to be part of their fight.

"For a month so you will be long there!? No way it's your own company not ours we don't have responsibility to handle you company!"

I Fell In love with my step brother Where stories live. Discover now