Chapter 5

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I made a magic thread pulling the enemy down with me. I mouthed to mom "Sorry, I'll see you later mom goodbye".

I fell thinking that I'll meet grandma Sylvie. I closed my eyes waiting for her voice.


Recap over

SHOUTING (Thoughts), {Me commenting}, ^Whispering/mumbling ^, !Something which I forgot to add!, DRAGON/ DEMON LANGUAGE


(Where am I?--- What just happened? Oh wait yeah I fell down the cliff.) I turned around seeing the dead body on the ground next to me, ^Should I react like last time or nah? It's a waste doing that.^ (Raphael.) "Yes, Arthur?" Raphael replied (Can you use the skill high heal on me?) Raphael said "I'm sorry but the skill high heal can only work on others, not on the person casting that." (Oh ok---) 

( let's just get the food and water first. Inventory) My inventory popped open showing the bottle of water and the berries. I pulled them out and had them, I went back to sleep seeing that it was getting dark. 

A few hours later. I woke up due to the birds chirping. I tried to stand up but failed just like before so I then used my core like before to strengthen my body like before and started to walk across the area waiting for Grandma Sylvia's voice. Then I heard her voice saying "Oh--- You're awake?" 

I directly knew it and stood still like before hiding behind the tree acting like a scared and weak child. "How is your body?" (My body is fine dear voice) "Oh-- You're not scared of me?" she said I thought back saying (Your voice does not show any malice or bad intentions to me so I trust you.) "Bullshit" Raphael said in my head. Sylvia then replied saying " Oh what a child you are. But then would you like to come to my dwelling? I can bring you back home." 

I reply to her comment saying " Well then miss. may I please inconvenience you with the directions of your dwelling so that you may grace me with your presence?" She then said "You catch on quick Arthur Leywin. But I do have an inquiry. May you please fulfill this lady's curiosity?"

"Oh yes, dear mistress. What is your inquiry?" I replied. She asked how I knew about her gender. I slowly replied saying "Oh how can anyone mistaken you as a boy for your silky smooth and dignified voice, it is incomparable to the voice of the rulers of this kingdom" Raphael commented again saying "How is this bullshittery even gonna work? Aigoo"

Sylvie stopped talking for a second and told me sorry showed me the directions to her cave. Although I could easily just walk reach there without the directions it would be too suspicious after all the glib tounging. I was and still am extremely embarrassed by this but it is quite fun, maybe I should do this again? Raphael heard the thought and immediately replied saying "Aigoo you crazy bastard. I give up on you"

As soon as I saw the river I jumped into it but with clothes this time since I didn't want her to see me like that again. "Oh, you are so pleasantly carefree" I quickly washed up and decided to look around while walking there. Raphael said in my mind "Why won't you just use your skills?"

I stopped and realized how foolish I was for just walking normally like that but I continued walking like that since I was about to reach the place. As I reached I used my skill flight to fly down. I then saw Sylvia's form. God it was as scary as I remembered but then I acted that I was suprised and fell down to make it more believable. "We finally meet child, dont try to act suprised I can see in your eyes that you are not scared but you are more happy" She said

"Well then I dont need to act but then nice to meet you again Grandma Sylvia."


Anddddd cut

This chapter is over but sorry if the characters acted out of character I plan to make this a little occ style but then this is also not proff read since I am tired.

Author out

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