Mom pick me up I'm scared

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"There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. He did not just disappear!?" [Name] shrieked.

"It must've been some kind of a technical malfunction." Claire sighs.

"Were you not watching? He marked up that wall as a distraction. He wanted us to think he escaped!" Owen snapped.

"Hold on. We are talking about an animal here." Claire sighs.

"A highly intelligent animal." [Name] butt in, Claire looks at her unamused.

"400 meters to the beacon." Vivian, the woman we met before, informs us. The camera shows the stun devices which the team are armed with. [Name] stared at the screen in surprise.

"You're going after him with non-lethal?!" Owen hissed.

"We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it!" Mr. Masrani retorted.

"Those men are gonna die." [Name] muttered anxiously.

"300 meters to the beacon." Vivian updates.

"You need to call this mission off right now." [Name] panicked.

"They're right on top of it." Vivian states.

"Call it off right now." Owen urges.

"You are not in control here!" Claire screams. The team dismounted their vehicles and proceeded on foot to the Indominus Rex. The commander picks up the tracking implant from the ground, the team members wary.

The commander speaks up, "Blood hasn't clotted yet. It's close."

Masrani looks at the implant, "What is that?"

"That's his tracking implant. He clawed it out." Owen scoffs.

"How would it know to do that?" Claire asks.

"He remembered where they put it in." [Name] responds with her eyes wide with realization. On the screen the commander notices blood dripping onto his arm. He looks up and backs away as the Indominus comes into view. The camera pulls back to show it is exactly the same color as the foliage.

"It can camouflage!" The commander screams in terror. He races for safety and the Indominus Rex picks him up. The team hits it with all their stun weapons and the creature drops the commander. While uneaten, he is crushed as the Indominus Rex flattens him. Lee is crushed by the Indominus' tail which whips him against a tree trunk. Mayers is swallowed whole while firing his shotgun at the monster. Craig gets thrown into a puddle of water. The entire room watches in silence and horror. [Name] stares at the screen, horrified with what she witnessed.

"Evacuate the island." Owen speaks sternly.

"We'd never reopen." Claire argued.

"You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. He is seeing all of this for the first time. He doesn't even know what he is. He will kill everything that moves." Owen insists.

"Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Mr. Masrani asked.

"No shit, he is learning where he fits in the food chain, and I'm not sure you want him to figure that out. Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke that thing!" [Name] challenged.

"We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of a war zone!" Claire contested.

"Yeah. Well, you already have!" Owen responded in a false cheerful tone.

"Mr. Grady, Ms. Name, if you're not gonna help, there's no reason for you both to be in here." Claire hissed. Owen approaches Lowery's desk and his hand sweeps across the table, causing the dinosaur figures to fall into the garbage can.

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